B2C is definitely harder.
However, B2C also has a higher probability that you make something with a real impact on the world.
In the end I would probably just build what you are most passionate about (which also makes sense). Doesn't matter if B2C or B2B.
I left the B2B world to pursue B2C, because I love the idea of building something that can have a massive social impact rather than strictly economic impact. I also find it's easier to demonstrate value to a single user, or group of users, than having to do a song a dance to convince corporations to buy your product. The downside is consumers attention span is incredibly short so if you don't capture attention early you may never catch it. However in B2B you can also be a niche product and have customers that pay you well. My assumption is that it's a lot harder to be niche and make a living in B2C.
Angle Audio