Hmmm, perhaps. But only if the core features are based on AI technology. For example anything that contains prompt writing or something generated solely with AI.
Our product for example states that it’s powered by AI. The core functionality of our app has nothing to do with AI but we’ve added in background removal , auto captions and sound enhancements etc which use AI technology to make our product much better. There’s no prompt writing involved , you can’t generate AI images, videos or scrips with our tool so essentially it’s very different from the majority of AI products that are being released. It’s not so say that we won’t add more AI features in the future though. So to answer your question with confidence is not as simple. 😊
@kevin_t_ Just curious, what is the main reason of you wanting to separate AI products from the rest? 🙂Is it because you believe that AI products overshadow others or have an unfair advantage ? Product Hunt already provides separate product categories helping diferentiate products. That includes AI category too. Why the need for the separate section?
I think every product will have some sort of AI. Therefore having a separate section for AI Products will not make sense. Especially when it distinguishes whether it has AI or not. But I do think we should classify what type of AI it is using.
Yes, having a separate section for products with AI could help users specifically interested in AI-related technologies find relevant products more easily.
There are way too many AI products in Product Hunt. It would be better with separate category for AI products because it became very hard to find non-AI products on the lists.
DeepBrain AI