
Are you using your own product?


One interesting thing about startups is that the founders often have faced the issue themselves that they are trying to solve. That's also something that sparked the idea of building Stockle. I struggled with finding an investment management platform for retail investors that would cover all of my requirements. Is your product's target audience different from yourself? Launching soon, get notified at:

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Samantha Tan
Yes! We decided to build our product because we were trying to create an AI generated influencer and kept coming across problems! Model Muse was born from our own struggles! And it has greatly reduced the pain points in our workflow!
@sam_tan7 Great to hear, I think that is a good starting point for any product having to face the issue yourself
@sam_tan7 @joonatanvanhala We are launching ChandlerAi. please give us some support and feedback.Thanks.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Yes, for our own customer support ps. launch is live today
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@shownotes Awesome! Are you planning to launch it also in public soon?
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@shownotes Consumer facing products are definitely not the easiest to build, I've noticed that also while building Stockle, but also been learning a lot! Thank you, happy to be part of Product Hunt's community!
@shownotes @joonatanvanhala We are launching ChandlerAi. please give us some support and feedback.Thanks.
Tyler Scott
Yes, I have TipBuddy on my phone and use it.
@scottlabsai Cool! What type of an app is it?
Tyler Scott
@joonatanvanhala It's an automated tip calculator that uses a phone's camera to look at a bill total and automatically calculate the tip and total. Here's a demo if you are interested:
@scottlabsai @joonatanvanhala We are launching ChandlerAi. please give us some support and feedback.Thanks.
Yes, my new macOS app Clean Cuts enables me to frequently share some of my favorite content with my parents or brother, for instance, (comedy bits from YouTube, etc), which would otherwise never be accessible to them due to explicit content (They can handle it, but it's always been uncomfortable, especially when sharing). It's why I began working on it, and it evolved into a versatile tool from there. I used to either avoid sharing or spending time manually muting; Clean Cuts uses advanced transcription and auto-censoring features to make it easy. ______ More details, if curious: As the 4 region types (Export, Cut, Mute, Blur) are additive (to a single media timeline) and auto-placeable, it's very intuitive to export a single compilation of the media. In the Transcript viewer (where you can search and navigate the media with typing/scrolling), 'Export' or 'Cut' regions can also be auto-placed by clicking their respective row-icons on the transcript row. If this sharing use case applies to you, or for easy media editing/advanced transcription/censoring, consider checking it out on the Mac App Store. It has a useful free tier, but you can have a free month of Pro by emailing "Promo code" to
@cleancuts Interesting, I guess often it starts with something like that, just a problem you face yourself. Great job!
@cleancuts @joonatanvanhala We are launching ChandlerAi. please give us some support and feedback.Thanks.
JD Worcester
Yes we are! We use Zeacon to embed videos on our homepage - watch til the end to see the clickable button!
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Of course. All of us in our startup are making travel itineraries
Tolulade Ademisoye
Good question. Yes, for meetings. https://www.semis.reispartechnol...
My one and only launch on PH was for a different target audience, but I do have other projects I've built that I still use today that are just too ugly to release into the wild yet haha.
Rafael Krueger
Yes, that's what help us identify the issue before anyone else can. Btw notifed good luck for your launch.
@rafael_krueger I can definitely agree with that! Saves tons of headaches from your customers when issues are detected fast! And thank you for your support!
Rully Ardiansyah
absolutely, I created because of my needed. Then, if anyone asking me about what tools that I'm using, I can send the product easily
Meredith Lancaster
Absolutely! I use it every day for collaborating with team members and to use all the top AIs in one place to get tasks done faster and ideate! we launch next week!
Priyanka Saini
Yesssss, I record all my work video and clients' testimonial with
Mike Beletz
Yes, we are! This is part of the reason we built Social Strudel. Other tools didn't have all of the features we needed and they were also super expensive!
Ira M. Cassidy
Yes we are using Impakt AI fitness coach and soon launching on PH again BTW nootified
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Not yet, but we definitely will when it’s ready.
Elena Tsemirava
Of course! We use to craft our own financial projections