... especially if your website uses cookies to store or track the personal data of your visitors from the European Union and countries that have enacted strict privacy regulations.
We will be launching our cookie consent solution on Product Hunt soon: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
For a long time I wanted to make an interesting banner for my site, but nothing came to mind. Decided to try ideas from https://masterbundles.com/ Indeed, there are a lot of ideas here and what to choose. Now my banner looks great and attracts customers.
We use cookies at https://goodmenproject.com/educa.... First of all, they are necessary for the convenience and comfort of users when working on the Internet. For example, you have registered on the forum, and so that you do not have to re-enter your login and password every time you visit the site, cookies save this information and the visitor enters the forum from his PC automatically. Agree, it is quite convenient.
@usefathom@ryangilbert That's great! Tracking cookies can be set by any source though. Applause to all the great products that have taken privacy-first approaches.
Why doesn't everyone like cookies? Everyone uses cookies, there's nothing wrong with that. My site (https://rapidessay.com/buy-disse...) also uses cookies.
No. We have a cookies link in our footer for the 0.0001% of people who care about their Google Analytics cookie.
I am aware of the rules, but unless you run a high traffic B2C website, the worst that can happen is a tap on the wrist.
A cookie consent banner is the cookie notice that is shown on websites and some apps on the user’s first visit. The cookie alert is meant to inform users of any cookies that could be on the site, their rights in that regard, and to ask for the user’s consent to run those cookies in the first place. Having an accurate cookie banner, cookie policy and blocking cookies before consent are all requirements under the ePrivacy (Cookie Law) and GDPR.