
Are you team Build in Public or team Stealth mode?


Would you rather share all your journey in public or lay low until your product is ready?

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Tom Bruining
I think you have to settle somewhere in-between and pick your audience. Early-on we built-in-public, but specifically in early-stage communities. Once we reached a stage of product maturity we started being more open in traditional social media (e.g. LinkedIn) where the expectations of quality are much higher. I do think that if you're trying to build something PLG driven, building in public is a necessity to increase your online profile for SEO, etc.
Pablo Roig
Build in public 100%, we tried to launch at least one time every two weeks, what we are working on
@pabloroigburgui great ! That s commitment and openness ! Do you also share the struggles and down times ?
Nick Zemlyanskiy
We're building in stealth mode until we really have something to show. It's only once when you can make first impression :)
@klauss_zee thanks for sharing. How long does it take you to get something to show for ?
Building in public is smarter—why launch your product to an audience of crickets? The other benefit of building in public is you'll get faster feedback from a community.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Stealth but I think theres a little more value in building in public (to a degree)