Julia Doronina

Are you a night owl or an early bird?


I usually work at night and like to sleep in the morning.

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Night owl, but keep forcing me to wake up not too late for socials.
Ramit Koul
Hmm, usually a night owl and sometimes an early bird.
Mainly a night owl but, for some reason I am just more productive at night and seem to be much more motivated. Every once in a while I will get up super early and work on something, but usually because I want that night free to work on learning something new or testing a side project out, hobbies, etc.
Harsh Vyas
I enjoy working late into the night 🌙 but prefer to wake up early in the morning ☀️.
André J
Im both. Depends where I am in the sleep cycle.
Philipp Jackson
I take a break and sleep hour or two after work and then have few bonus night hours :)