Philipp Shay

Are influencers effective for marketing?


Have you ever had success using influencers from various social networks to promote your products?

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Corinne Stewart
Yes, influencers can boost brand awareness and engagement when strategically chosen.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Their effectiveness depends on the product. For many B2C products, definitely yes.
Brian Hurst
I think it's incredibly product/service specific, but they do work for many companies! For mDash, the AI-powered project management tool designed for web development which I am building, influencers likely wouldn't be effective, as we're more B2B focused than B2C.
Claire Wiley
hell yeah if they have the right audience
Haya Tangyan
The short answer is YES, but Really depends on the product, the niche and your target audience.
Tomas Papazian
Hi Philipp. I would say 100% yes but there are some products that are a better fit than others. If your product is high-intent it is not the best channel of distribution. Normally, social media is used to promote low-intent products since users are there to entertain themselves and not directly to buy. Hope you find these ideas helpful. Would love to connect and share some more value with you with some documents with takeaways from what I mentioned to you previously.