Jean Gatt

Apps you can't live without on Mac?


Hey hey!! I want to find some productivity tools to improve my workflow and trying to search for a good clipboard history tool for Mac, have any of you used anything like this? and while we're at it anything else you can't live without? For me, I love using: - ColorSlurp, to be able to copy colours from anywhere - Magnet, to be able to work with sticky windows of all sizes - KeepingYouAwake, which leaves the macbook awake no matter what

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Jishnu Hari
- Figma (Bread and butter 😛) - Brave (Browsing without sharing my data) - Cron (Reminds me to get into meetings and ability to join quickly) - Slack (🤷🏼) - Apple notes (All my quick notes)
Jishnu Hari
@jean_gatt I just like that the meeting reminders come in a min before meeting starts by default and joining is quick. Also I get to see an overview of all meetings for the day on top mac nav bar. I am aware you can also do the same on google calendar, but haven't found it to be very reliable.
The Arc Broswer Just started to use it and its a refreshing change from chrome
Simon Abrams
@heynigee I just started using this yesterday! I'm a committed Safari guy, but this is a really nice reimagining of the browser.
Paul Parsons
@heynigee moved to Arc 3 months ago, never looked back!
@jean_gatt It's really good. A must have. It uses the chromium engine, its just a different UI/UX. everything has space to work in
Ryan T -
@heynigee Is it lightweight?
K McInnes
@heynigee @jean_gatt Arc takes a bit of getting used to but once you tap into its functionality it is a very nice browser...I was without it for a bit (laptop hiccup) and I really, really missed it...just note there is a bit of a learning curve to get used to how it manages things...
Bjarn Bronsveld
Cleanshot X, it’s such an amazing tool. Definitely the best one out there.
Jordan Arnold
@bjarnbronsveld @jean_gatt +1 for Cleanshot X. - It keeps the screenshot floating in the bottom-left of the screen until you use it or dismiss it (MacOS always gets rid of it before I multitask over to slack or whatever - Easy screen recording - Easy gif recording - You can do a scrolling screenshot, scrolling down a webpage to capture taller images It's pricy but it makes life better for me daily, highly recommend
Alain Lesage
@bjarnbronsveld @jean_gatt @lfg_jordan I also love Cleanshot. As for the price, do you know of SetApp, a subscription service offering tons of software for a single price. Cleanshot is part of the bundle.
Bjarn Bronsveld
@jean_gatt Others were faster haha, but exactly what they said! Its feature set is complete and has never disappointed me in terms of stability.
Nick Sather
@bjarnbronsveld Shottr is also a fantastic free alternative without video recording capabilites. But imo has super smooth and robust screenshotting features.
Annie Elequin
I didn't know I needed this clipboard manager until I got it, and now it's a CORE part of my daily workflow:
Doğukan Tezcan
I like to use amphetamine keeps awake on Mac
Alain Lesage
@dogukan_tezcan @jean_gatt For that purpose, I use Lungo.
Chris Sarca
Unshaky app(prevents duplicate key hits), because of the geniuses who came up with the butterfly mechanism on macbooks.
Telegram Notion Figma
Sandra Djajic
Well. my suggestions is quite biased but you can try out our webb apps and :D We would love to hear your feedback! Tira is all-in-one workspace that allows you to chat with your team, create projects, manage tasks, create boards, deadlines, put them in calendar ect. Klu is a tool for organizing and finding information from different apps that users have integrated. It allows you to store and organize information like links, pdfs, and documents in a private and team workspace. With the search bar and keyword it will automatically go through all of the apps you’ve linked it with and show you every file.
Sandra Djajic
@jean_gatt Yes :D in the momet you can connect Notion, Gmail, Google drive, Trello and Slack. Soon we will be adding Github, Figma and DropBox.
Rob Lachapelle
CopyClip for clipboard management Rambox for Google Apps integration Shottr for screenshots Rectangle for window management Bitwarden for password management VSCode for coding Orion web browser (Webkit Safari clone on crack) Chrome because I'm a developer (devtools) Caffeine to keep my macbook awake Latest to keep apps updated AppCleaner to cleanly remove apps (I have OCD) HiddenBar to hide all these running apps in the menubar Homebrew for managing and installing apps I think thats it..
AltTab - better switching between apps and windows Amphetamine - keep awake CotEditor - txt file editor Numi - calculations Obsidian - notes PasteNow - clipboard manager Spark - email client Swish - window management Unite - website to app
Karsten Busch
@mykhas I like AltTab. Have you or anyone else a tool to do the switching between chrome tabs? I want a keyboard stroke where I get a (visual) overview about all open tabs. Is there something like this out?
Maxim Kalyuzhnyi
I'm using Todoist and Bear (for notes) everyday
Jacob Gorban
I can't work without 1Password, TextExpander and Trickster.
Ahmed Sagarwala
Alfred - Spotlight replacement + automation + clipboard management + more Moom - window control using hotkeys + mouse Bartender - Cleans up your menubar iStat Menus - Device stats in the menubar NextDNS - Web filtering at DNS level VSCode - Coding - Ultimate note taking app AppCleaner - Best way to uninstall apps
Mathias Nestler
Alfred has a fantastic clipboard history
Jason Dunn
Paste for an unlimited clipboard. Shottr is amazing and free. Raycast.
Thomas Wright
@jasonrdunn Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone else recommending Shottr! It's incredible. Super clean, super fast, lots of options... plus OCR from a screenshot?! And basically free?! Hands down best Mac app :D
My notes app
K McInnes
Maccy...Alfred for that functionality and everything else...
Or Yolvi
@kmcinnes I'm really curious - why do you need Maccy if Alfred has a pretty neat clipboard functionality?
K McInnes
@yoav_orlev1 Basically laziness...Maccy was first and I got very proficient using it and then found Alfred for a different part of my workflow and I have never really used that clipboard history functionality in Alfred...and too lazy to learn it!
Jon Gettinger
@kmcinnes @yoav_orlev1 Never heard of Alfred before so I will check it out. Have used Maccy for a couple years and it works great for me so never thought to look for anything else.
Jeremy Smith
Homerow. It turns virtually every action on your Macbook into a hotkey just by hitting Control+Shift+Space bar.
Joaquín Pérez
- Raycast (replaces FlyCut, Magnet, Rectangle) - Fig (love S3 autocompletion) - Obsidian (for notes) - Focus To-Do (Pomodoro timer)
Nathalie Schrans
@jperezr21 Have you tried Lifeline? I’ve used tons of Pomodoro apps and it’s my favorite so far
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I think @vanschneider is exploring this field with MyMind App I'm planning to start using this app in near future.