Paul B

Any tools and tips for marketing a podcast?


I've published the 3rd episode of "Minted:NFTs, Creators, and Web3" and it's doing very well organically. I'd love to hear about the tools and methods people use to marketing a podcast.

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John Allen
Give Lava a shot to gain some more exposure & connect with your audience -- :)
Saksham Pathak
Segment your podcast into beautifully edited 1 min clips and upload on ig reels. Also share those learning from the podcast in a blog or as a transcript
Paul B
@saksham_pathak you're right IG would be a good place for show clips. There's no video though.. but i'll look into it. thank you
Podcast Promotion: Marketing Tactics To Get More Podcast Listeners : 1. Ask People To Subscribe. 2. Submit To Podcast Directories. 3. Leverage Existing Assets. 4. Share Reviews & Testimonials. 5. Create A Website. 6. Apple Smart Banner. 7. Create An Email List. 8. Be A Guest On Other Shows.
Paul B
@officialmyindigocard thanks! I'm doing 1-3 already but leverage more. Reviews and testimonials I'm now starting to ask for more (i've had 2 five star reviews :). New website went up this weekend ( I've no idea what an Apple Smart Banner is.. i'll look into that ! Email list - that's started now with the new website.. being a guest on other shows is something I haven't thought about at all actually. Thank you!
Hey @tiagorbf do you have any tips to share?