Ok, I'll be honest. I have an iPhone because it's cool.
In general, I've found that Apple products have fewer problems than PCs, though when something does go wrong, PCs are easier to troubleshoot.
I switched to iOS and the whole Apple Ecosystem a few years ago after being a fierce believer in Android.
And there's not one day where I regretted that decision.
iOS just works, no matter what you do. And even if you have a problem, you can always go to an Apple Store.
Whatever OS we choose, we're paying someone to be in their ecosystem. That said, I find Android to be messy, too easy to hack and the Play store an ongoing nightmare. My primary phone is an iPhone, I use an older Samsung for product testing and research. While some Android UX design is good, there's just so many versions it's a UX designers nightmare.
@giles_crouch I agree a 100% and think every developer should have both - there's just a big advantage to have a real phone in your hand and see the app/website instead of just simulating it.
I like using Android for personal use because it works well with Google infrastructure and it is easier for me to quickly create app for myself. But for business apps, I prefer iOS. I think iOS users care more about how things look and are more willing to pay for quality, unlike Android users who are used to getting average stuff for free with ads. This is just my opinion, and I'm open to different views.
for me, IOS is the best. Because it provides a polished user experience, strict security measures, and optimal performance through hardware-software integration.
I have been using both through the years and I always go back to my iPhone. It just work the way I want it to work and I can use it for years without feeling any slow down from iOS.
I carry both, because I can't bring myself to just give up my iPhone, however, I am most definitely team Android! Yes apple tends to be bit easier when it comes to daily operations but the amount of functionality can not be touched when talking about Android. I've run everything from linux distros to game emulators on them, used them as pentesting devices, overclocked them and used them as hardcore mobile gamers, and used apps like Tasker and Join and IFTTT to pull off home automations and odd app integrations that are just not possible on iOS. I always try to go unlocked, so I don't have to deal with a bootloader/root lockout, and I find them to be ultra customizable, and much easier to modify, repair, both hardware and software. And having the ability to just block out parts of apps I don't like, is just not a possibility on iOS not even a jailbroken one. However, one negative, the Android UX can get crazy and I have run into some nightmares with custom ROMs, etc. If your looking to really get into development and learn how mobile architectures work, I would go for Android.
Android: The more you use it, the slower it gets, and it's not secure either. 🤔
iPhone: It's pretty secure, and as long as you don't upgrade the iOS version, it will never slow down. My dad still uses an iPhone 7, and he says it's great because he never upgraded. 😂