
AMA - Ask me anything - e.g. Why is WFH not always good?

We are going live with deskbird today today. deskbird helps people to schedule their in-office days according to their colleagues' schedules, and also book a desk right beside them on a floor plan. Let's chat about all things hybrid, remote and future of work. I am also here to answer any and all of your questions regarding deskbird. So fire away!

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Alexander Brazhnik
Hey Christian and @deskbird β€” looking sharp with the launch! πŸ‘ Curious about your take on the best days of the week β€” when to WFH vs when it's office day. My team is doing it very ad-hoc, but we are growing fast and I'm not sure it will be keep up. Maybe there's some research or practices on it β€” would love to hear the insights!