All Launches Are Equal, But Some Launches Are More Equal Than Others*
We were officially denied a ranking**. Thanks for not deleting us entirely. Seriously.
But why give us a chance to compete at all? Why didn't the moderator reject us right away when they saw our project during the moderation stage? Why are we stuck in the "All" section for no reason? If we didn't fit the format, we should have been told from the start. But no, we spent 5 hours emailing tech support. We even bothered Hoover (sorry for reaching out directly, we thought that's how everyone does it. But it wasn't meant to be.)
Our niche competitors also got featured here. Some prepped like us and got ranked, some didn't prep and got nothing. Here they are:
So here's the deal: after the official denial, we stopped our campaign to bring our followers to Product Hunt. We bothered hundreds of people on their day off – for nothing.
A case study is a case study. It's just marketing. We knew that.
Thanks everyone for your support! 💙
*(Inspired by Animal Farm: A Fairy Story by George Orwell)
Klever Suite
Warmup Inbox
Arclite Pro
App Finder