What can we do for newbie and struggling entrepreneurs?
Hi, we are developing a platform targeted towards newbie and struggling entrepreneurs. We are trying to simplify the initial stage of customer development (get you from a bunch of assumptions to an actual customer-focused solution).
We are creating a platform to tackle to following:
The complexities of identifying if the problem you are trying to solve is really a problem, who your target audience is, who your competitors (their pros/cons), if you are tackling a problem that urgently needs to be solved, etc.
Is the solution you want to develop, feasible (capital, skillset & time), do your target customers like it, are they willing to pay for it, can you maintain it and still be profitable.
If you feel the above are pain points for you, would you consider chatting with us about your prior and current experiences are with coming up with a business idea or attempt with starting a business?
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