I think it depends very much on the family you stem from. In my root-family there was no entrepreneurial gene at all, I was watched like an alien, suspicious of trying to avoid real work. But when the parents or relatives are founders themselves already, then I think it's a totally different thing, then they understand themselves perhaps as early investors and want to encourage and support you, knowing the risks and providing precious advice.
@timz_flowers I can relate to this very well. We mentioned our startup to both of my in-laws individually, my father-in-law had a really good response and offered to invest a small amount of money on a monthly basis even without being asked for it. On the other hand, my mother-in-law (and any relatives on that side) just probably thought it's just one of those crazy ideas we had. Father-in-law had been a businessman practically all his life.
At the end of the day, (1) you never know who knows who (2) it's good practice to pitch to your family.
Maybe your uncle whose a doctor knows other doctors or c-level executives. Maybe your aunt has a friend from high school whose a CEO at an organization where your product would fit perfectly. You just never know who knows who so be humble and ask for help. I'd also suggest you really dig deep and make sure you would be ok with losing your families money and if they would be ok with it.
Lastly, I'd suggest not making the first pitch to a family member about money. Just go in asking to pitch them for practice and show your passion for the product/industry, tell them a story. Then a few weeks/month(s) after, hopefully you'll have some traction, and that's when you can ask for money to keep you going. This way they've seen your passion in a casual setting and then they've seen progress.
Depends on the family member. If they usually invest in startups then I don't see the problem. If they are more of the mutual funds or index funds type then I would say no.
Seeking investments from friends and family can be an ideal way to raise seed money to get your company off the ground. This is also labeled as "pre-seed round"
Totally fine to ask them, most just want to support you / might not fully understand what they're actually investing in 1)Make it clear there is a very high chance they will lose 100% of their money 2) It will take 5-10yrs if you are successful to get any liquidity 3) DONT offer them uncapped notes/SAFE - love those that love you first!
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