Business Marketing with Nika

7 B-Roll Mistakes that are hurting your reach

One of my favorite ways to create MORE content that is still high quality is having a VIDEO VAULT full of B-Roll footage. B-Roll = Stock videos of you living your life + doing brand/biz related activities. But, there are a lot of mistakes being made on your Reels that decrease the quality of your B-Roll videos and are costing you views and engagement! I have for you several things to have in mind: ❌ Centered Text is hard to read quickly when people are scrolling their Feed or Explore pages. ✅ Align your text either left or right for easier consumption. ❌ Covering your face with text. ✅ Your face is your money maker and part of your brand, plus Reels with a FACE get more engagement than without! ❌ Not trimming videos. ✅ Try to create a looping effect by using audio like this one and trim your video to be under 7 seconds. ❌ Blocking important video elements. ✅ Just like with your face, keep text away from your props so people can see clearly what's happening in the video. ❌ Similar Text Colors. ✅ Use contrasting colors for your text so people can read what's on the screen. ❌ Not leaving room for text/added elements. ✅ Whenever filming B-Roll make note of where you could potentially place text, this will help you leave room & film accordingly. ❌ Not giving context or added value on the screen. ✅ Just because it is a low-production video does NOT mean it's low-production quality. You need to add value and content on your screen for B-Roll content to work for your account.

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Love your insights! AllValue Link 2.0 just launched. Could you please check it out and share some advice with us? Thanks!
Gabe Moronta
That's one of the ways that Visla is trying to help, we have great features that allow users to add b-roll to your project. How is it added, our analytical AI goes through your transcript after you've uploaded your video and it automatically adds from our stock selection. Check it out:
Madeleine Nichols
Great stuff thanks!