Samar Mustafa

Which verticals should startups focus on building new digital products in?

Hey Makers, I am Samar, founder of Teamstack. I am seeing a lot of startups focusing on AI and Blockchain technology and applying them into various verticals. I am wondering, what verticals we as a innovators/disruptors should be focusing on that could change human lives instead of building millions of AI-powered chat bots :). Thoughts?

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Siddharth Kaushik
@samar_ux Hello Samar, I am Siddharth, founder of . I think innovators/disruptors should focus on email list, for amazon and overstock emails lists are the most valuable assets when it comes to the marketing. You should try our email marketing platform . Try for Free'.
Samar Mustafa
@siddharth_kaushik Thanks. Indeed, Email has such a huge impact when it comes to marketing campaign. I will try mailupnext.
Siddharth Kaushik
@samar_ux I would love to work with you. Let me know when you are going to try mailupnext. i would be grateful to assist. I will also give special coupon code to you.
Ryan Hoover
There's no "right" way to start a startup, but I have a bias toward recommending makers/founders focus on things they're personally very passionate to solve. I know it's cliche but there are good reasons for doing so: building something good takes a long time and if you're not passionate about it in the beginning, you'll likely churn. That said, it's worth exploring how a particular problem could be solved with emerging technologies. For example, ~25% of U.S. homes have a smart speaker (e.g. Google Home, Amazon Echo) already. I wouldn't doubt if that hits 50% by the end of the year. As more consumers adopt this hardware and voice-driven behavior, it'll open new opportunities for startups and creative makers. This is why I invested in Voiceflow.