Aaron O'Leary

Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 10th of August)


Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Hello everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹ Hope I not too late with a comment here ๐Ÿคž We've launched in Upcoming todaaay >> https://www.producthunt.com/upco... We are creating a social extension that recreates spontaneous meetings online. So you can just run into colleague or friend reading the same article (or the same media) at the same time. You can start water cooler chat, wave to each other and find something in common. You can try it, just leave us your contacts here > https://nxt.page/form We believe that spontaneous communications influence us, it's a great way to generate ideas, exchange opinions and just... find friends! More about NextPage on https://nxt.page ๐Ÿ’ฌ P.S. Thank you for being so cool as the community ๐Ÿ™Œ
Lluรญs Ventura
Hi Makers!! 30min of your meetings listening to a presentation? people unprepared? Another meeting that could be an email? Asynchronous communications can provide you freedom and time to think....at your pace. What about enriching each of your calendar events with a space where participants can have discussion by quickly recording and share videos (or audios, or text or screen captures) before the meeting. For example: A 2 minutes video introducing the roadmap before tomorrow's meeting could be a great way to explain properly, lower the meeting time, and allow people to think. In other cases (status meetings, standups, etc) maybe even cancel the meeting! Happy to receive your feedback and use cases! Subscribe to our upcoming: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Or visit www.comeet.me and leave us a message at: hello@comeet.me Thanks!
Olga Trykush
@comeet @lluis_m_ventura Awesome idea! I evaluate all projects from the marketing point of view, so the first thing I should admit is that your texts on the website are great - catchy and simple at the same time. Your copywriter did a really good job. I would only suggest adding a short video instruction on how to use it, and some reviews - to make the home page more full. P.S. Subscribed to your launch, good luck!
Olga Trykush
@comeet @lluis_m_ventura some time ago I read a book "Rework", they talk a bit about problems with meetings - suggest you to check it out, they shared a lot of interesting insights regarding meetings there
@comeet @lluis_m_ventura This looks interesting. Too bad it it seems to be Chrome only... In my opinion this is a big problem. If not everybody in your team uses Chrome, you can't really make use of Comeet.
Lluรญs Ventura
Thank you @meekyzy! Please register to our upcoming page and will happily send you an invite to test it!
Gavalla Ranjit
@comeet @lluis_m_ventura Great idea, sometimes we do join meetings without knowing agenda. A small video explaining the agenda will surely help. Subscribed and All the very best!
Olga Trykush
Hello Makers! We're looking for beta testers for https://gingersauce.co/, automated brand book builder. The main idea: build professional brand books in 5 minutes, all you need to get started is a logo. The target audiences are 1) designers; 2) design, branding agencies; 3) small and medium businesses; 4) personal branding. We're planning to launch on PH, so we want to hear your feedback firstly. What would you suggest to improve/add/optimize/change, every comment will be greatly appreciated. You can try to make a brand book for FREE. Also, don't hesitate to contact me on twitter @mrktbloom and I will extend your trial and add some free credits, so you could create as many brand books as you want. P.S. Many thanks to everyone in advance ๐Ÿ™Œ
Olga Trykush
@akhil_mk Thanks a lot for your kind words. We're targeting not only agencies. We received a lot of positive feedback from small/middle businesses, as brand book gives them a feeling of a more mature company and raises them in front of customers and partners. So, you should definitely try to create one - it's for free ๐Ÿ˜‰
akhil mk
@olha_trykush That's interesting. I come from an agency background(mainly content/account roles) and would've signed up for this instant back then. Since am striking out on my own these days in a different niche, this wasn't part of the plan. But signed up now!
Gavalla Ranjit
@mrktbloom @olha_trykush How does this help for SAAS products?
Olga Trykush
@mrktbloom @gavallar Brand books are highly important for business and personal branding, they give a feeling of a more mature company and raise status in front of customers, partners. Also, they allow to organize all identity assets in one place. For teams that are often launching new products and roll out interface updates, having an identity system is essential. By the way, we received a fantastic response from the SaaS founders.
On My Deck
https://www.onmydeck.com is a highly focussed social network site to share youโ€™re favourite songs and get lyrics, music videos and links to all the top streaming platforms for them as well as great song facts. Iโ€™ve developed this myself in my spare time and Iโ€™m always adjusting and adding features. Iโ€™m happy to get feedback and if you like it, please give an upvote! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Tristan Pollock
@onmydeckmusic very cool! You should check out Lean Square. Happy to intro you there if it's helpful!
Olga Trykush
@onmydeckmusic Cool platform, I really love your idea of creating a community - you should definitely continue working on connecting people. I suggest only to create a possibility to see who shared a song, to understand the particular musical taste of the person from the first sight.
On My Deck
@olha_trykush hi! Thanks for the feedback. When you sign up/in there are lots of features such as who posted, likes, follows, tailored feed etc
Hunter Owens
@onmydeckmusic As an artist manager, I see a use-case for music artists for using OnMyDeck links to share _everything_ about a song in a single link. For instance, right now I'm paying feature.fm for aggregated links to a song on different streaming platforms. OnMyDeck has links to streaming platforms *plus* lyrics and music videos.
On My Deck
@owens hi Hunter. That's actually where Im heading with this. I want any song to have its own social page. Lots of relevant info and for it to be a springboard to get the song listens on your chosen steaming platform. Gig listings are in the pipeline and I have other more artist-centric ideas to add too. My goal is to make this an invaluable resource for music lovers and artists
Navin Pareek
Hi all, I will be launching Build a Stack soon, and have listed it in Upcoming products here: https://www.producthunt.com/my/u.... Would love for people to check it out. Build a stack is a curated list of 3500 tools and resources to help a business choose the right software. I have a brief video on the upcoming page giving a demo of the platform. Would appreciate any feedback on it. On launch, I will be offering limited number of *free* 30-min consulting slots to help with automating processes, #nocode product development and choosing the right SaaS tool. If this is of interest, please subscribe.
Tristan Pollock
@navpar interesting! how do you look at your product versus YourStacks?
Navin Pareek
@pollock Quite a few differences really. BuildAStack (BaS) is focused on business resources, while YourStacks (YS) is open to pretty much anything that helps you. YS is curated by the crowd, while BaS is by me. BaS is focused on "integrate-ability" and detailed usecases, YS has the user's opinion on usefulness. Both have their own place in helping businesses. I think with so many software available, people are still trying to crack the puzzle of how to help companies make their choice. That is why, even though Capterra has been in existence since 1999, we still have small and big players like G2, GetApp, Siftery (now G2), YourStack, StartUpStack, etc, etc. BuildaStack is one more attempt to make this difficult decision easier.
Navin Pareek
@olha_trykush Thanks for catching the error. Had to make the video public for this to work. Please check it out again.
Hunter Owens
@navpar The use-case of using Build a Stack to quickly identify which software is best for a business use-case, based on being able to integrate with other business software is strong. Having performed these software searches manually a few times, or even worse getting setup with a tool and only then finding out it doesn't support an integration, is painful. From a marketing angle though, when I read the initial description of "a curated list of 3500 tools" the 3,500 number sounded overwhelming to me. In your demo video, I can see how Build a Stack showed only the 7 CRM tools which are compatible with both Zapier and Segmentโ€”which is great. But as a user I'd be less likely to visit if I thought I might have to manually sort through thousands of tools.
Navin Pareek
Thank you @owens. This, right here, is a great example of (a) why PH is such a great ground to collect feedback, and (b) the importance of A/B testing. You are absolutely right. As soon as I changed my intro line (on my upcoming launch page) from "3,500 curated tools ..." to "Find the right software for your business", I saw a marked increase in the number of people subscribing to the product. Although, by then, it was a bit late to capture most of the traffic. I will adjust my messaging accordingly. Thanks, once again, for taking the time.
Omkar Birje
Hey we are looking for our first customer at https://swaptoapp.com Where we create app for websites. For any platform. App is best way to get loyal customers and readers. Also increase engagement on your website.
@theomkarbirje I'm not an English native but "Swap To App Your Any Website." sounds very wrong to me. Shouldn't it be either "Your" or "Any"?
Omkar Birje
@frontaid hey silvan thanks i think you talking about heading on landing page right? Or about my domain name? Hey what about my domain name is it correct?
Caroline Chiari
@theomkarbirje I agree with @frontaid It should be either "Swap To App your website" or "Swap to App any website". Also, your branding is all over the place, your domain is swaptoapp, your logo is "Uptime" and your contact email address is @company.io Now that I dug further, it looks like this is a template page because the "customers love it" section is in latin. I would recommend combing your page(s) for any errors. Overall, I like the idea.
Navin Pareek
@theomkarbirje I get a "Your connection to the site is not fully secure" on the address bar. Might be a good idea to fix it. The service is a good idea though. Best of luck!
Caroline Chiari
Hi Makers, I am the maker for Koupi ( https://koupi.io ), a desktop automation tool, much like automator for Mac or Microsoft Power Automate (flow) and IFTTT for web. There is no need to sign up to start using Koupi, you can just download the pre-made packages on the main page and get going. If you want to create your own packages you have to sign up. My question to you regarding the application page ( https://app.koupi.io ): What is/are the biggest deterrent(s) to signing up: 1) The lack of packages on the main page? 2) The actual page look and feel? 3) Signup button/window is confusing? 4) other? if so, what is that? Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Navin Pareek
@caroline_chiari I am all for automation/integration. I even maintain a twitter list: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1290... My 2p 1. You might want to edit the app.koupi.io link above. It currently has an error 2. A bit more explanation of what these automations do will be helpful. Best of luck!
Caroline Chiari
@gilad_uziely Did you visit https://app.koupi.io or https://koupi.io ? A new user would have a flow of https://koupi.io --> https://app.koupi.io The first page (although it does need work) has explanation and CTA.
Pawel Lubiarz
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi Makers, We all love travelling, but have you everโ€ฆ - forgot anything important on a trip? - packed too many things? Planning the trip is the most stressful part of it. At MyLuggage, we make travel stress-free by giving you the most relevant packing list for every type of vacation. We also provide a list of things to do before your journey starts, information about safety. Weโ€™ve just released our app in the English version and weโ€™re collecting feedback before the PH campaign. I would love to hear your opinions about our idea. The app would speed up your packing time by up to 90% and reduce the stress. https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Please, share your thoughts! Pawel
Navin Pareek
@pawellubiarz Great tool. My wife travels to London every year and is always stressed about her packing. Will share with her.
Rebecca Pollard
@pawellubiarz would love to talk to you about potentially partnering with my company. We just released a pet product that is great for on-the-go. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Nastya Mikeyeva
Hi Product Hunters, Visafoto.com is on the Upcoming page of Product Hunt. Visafoto.com creates passport and visa photos from selfies. You upload a selfie, and in 2 seconds it turns into a 2x2 inch photo or a 35x45 mm photo or any other format. The ready photos are suitable for online forms of passports, visas and other documents. They can be printed too. Hope that you will enjoy your online forms more with Visafoto! Subscribe to https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Happy to receive your feedback and use cases! Nastya
Hi ProductHunt I recently published FrontAid CMS. It is a new kind of Content Management System similar to a headless CMS. But it does not have an API, instead it directly commits to a JSON file in your own Git repository. More information can be found on https://frontaid.io/ and https://www.producthunt.com/post... FrontAid is targeted to businesses. It is usually set up by an engineer and then used by a copy texter. Looking for general feedback about the product. There are already some people testing it but I could use more. Maybe FrontAid CMS could be interesting for you and you'd like to shape its future? Get aboard and help making it better :) Thanks!
Joost van Hoof
Hi Hunters, Freddy Feedback was on Product Hunt twice in 1 week because we got handpicked to be re-posted โค๏ธ. We ended up being #3 product of the day. Since that moment two weeks ago the big update is that we shipped a Free Trial. We already had one, but it still required a credit card to sign up. No credit card is required now so go ahead and try it for free! Feature wise we've also introduced webhooks so you can directly connect your customer's feedback to your application and/or business logic. Would love your feedback on the landing page since it's almost completely different in terms of flow and information vs 2 weeks ago. Thanks in advance and any questions just reply here.
Tristan Pollock
For all the devs, engineers, and CTOs out there, we've built a Slack-first DevOps workflow platform: CTO.ai โ€” we launched the beta very recently and are offering the platform for free for community members. Just drop in here, play with the platform, and share your thoughts: https://w.cto.ai/community
Ryan Wilson
Hello fellow makers! Last week I refactored the entire app for https://tidyworkspace.com Tidy workspace is a browser extension (chrome only - for now) that automatically groups your tabs into workspaces. The new version is currently pending review in the chrome web store. It should hopefully be published in the next day or so based on how long other reviews have taken. If you could check out the landing page (https://tidyworkspace.com) or install the extension and play with it (https://chrome.google.com/websto...) and give your feedback, it would be a huge help! I'll be more than happy to return the favor however I can.
@ryan_wilson6 clean landing page. Unfortunately I donโ€™t use chrome as my main browser so I am not your customer. But your concept is similar to getstack.app but as a browser extension instead. Make a Safari one - and I will be sold :) Pricing - would you consider a monthly tier? I mean a one- time fee of $30 is great. I am not sure on the pricing on other premium chrome extensions. Would a $1-$3 per month get your more leads?
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@ryan_wilson6 I really like this idea - I always see myself in a huge mess with way too many open tabs! I have developed a browser Extension myself, and it really is incredibly easy to use the same extension in Microsoft Edge these days. I actually have way better experience getting my extension live on Edge add-ons - the review process is generally faster than with the Chrome Webshop.
Kristian Freeman
Hey all ๐Ÿ‘‹ Building [Mailing List Hackers](https://mailinglisthackers.com/chat), a chat community for people building mailing lists and newsletters. If you're building a newsletter/mailing list (or are interested in it but don't know where to start), I'd love to have you join and share what you're working on, get feedback, and chat!
Robin Nessensohn
Hey people ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm co-founder of Really Good Innovation, a collection of innovation resources. We constantly try to improve our UX so would be amazing to get some feedback! https://www.reallygoodinnovation... P.S. the category selection on the front page is not working at the moment but otherwise, how intuitive is the website for you? Would you come back to the page? Which part of the page seems the most interesting to you? Thanks a lot and best โค Robin
Torrey Ah-Tye
@robin_nessensohn Hi this is pretty straightforward to use. It's the kind of site I would hit up to find certain events types (if networking were a thing right now ha!). I took the quiz and will be getting my results shortly - it also looks like your slack channel is now defunct? Sounds like it would have been interesting.
Robin Nessensohn
@torreyahtye Hi Torrey thanks so much for the feedback! Do I understand correctly that you would be most interested to find the newest events about innovation on our website? Sorry for the slack link. It has just expired.. this is the new link: https://join.slack.com/t/reallyg... Would love to see you join :) Also, what did you think about the quiz?
Ryan Solomon
Hey Entrepreneurs & Makers! I'm a part of the Entre Team! We are building our social platform built for entrepreneurs investors and startup founders! Currently, we have about 1800 early adopters giving incredible feedback and will be pushing out some new builds in the next 1-2 weeks. We don't have an official launch date, but it looks like it will be August 25th or September 1. We have a lot to come in the pipeline but as it is right now it's all about growing the most supportive network for entrepreneurs. Also! We have hosted 300+ events for entrepreneurs over the past 3 years and are always looking for incredible founders to share their stories so don't hesitate to reach out! All feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! https://entre.link/ryan
Elijah Kimball
Hey everyone, We just launched Meta, a simple way to navigate and work with your desktop applications, files, and browsers. https://www.gometa.com Our beta version contains three main tools called Meta bar, rewind, and spaces: - Meta bar is the control center. It makes it easy to search for info across devices within any application and throughout your library. - Rewind lets you replay and recall any event that's ever occurred on your desktop. This means you can revisit a browsing session, email, or project and open it as if you never left. Every detail is restored even where the window was positioned. -Spaces are self-contained work-spaces where you can organize and streamline your desktop content. You can also push, pull, and tag anything into these spaces. We're currently trying to define our audience, iron out bugs, and get as much feedback as possible while were in beta. We'd love for you to try it out and share your thoughts. (Only available for MacOS Catalina)
Ryan Wilson
@elijah_kimball Hey Elijah, This looks amazing! I've only scrolled through your landing page. I normally hate controlled scroll on landing pages and was going to complain about it, but it was really nicely done. It helped that I was captivated by your content. I'm working on something similar but as a browser extension and the workspaces are for browser tabs only. Meta looks so much more complete and powerful. A few comments: - From the landing page, I have a good idea of the main features, but I don't know how I would create a workspace. If it's simple, I think it'd be great to have a gif of how that works instead of/alongside the gif of changing workspaces. - I didn't realize that I'd get a download link immediately after signing up for early access - I almost didn't do it at first because the form had a lot of fields - Your design on the website is top-notch ๐Ÿ‘ I downloaded Meta and am going to try it out! I'll give you some feedback after I use it a little bit.
Awogor Matthew
@elijah_kimball This is awesome. Unfortunately It seems I'm not in your target customers as I'm a fan of Windows. Cheer up and keep digging
Ajay Prem Shankar
Hello everyone, In times when being remote is not luxury but necessity, it is easy to get distracted on the agenda for the day. How will you keep track of todos? How can you focus on the top 3 things? (Best one) How will you remember to look at it? Just launched a very minimalistic app for keeping your todo in front of you all the time. Looking for your feedback on https://www.producthunt.com/post... Highly appreciate your few mins to help me improve it.
Insulam App
Helle everyone! Give It a try! We use AI technology to analayze your drawings! Here is the link: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Amy Tang
Hey makers, I started a trip planning service that combines AI with human expertise to create personalized travel guides for every trip, currently targeting the NY, LA and SF markets. (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) We're refining various elements of the product and would love some feedback on the survey we're using to collect trip information and traveler preferences. survey for NY market: https://foliotravel.typeform.com... Are there any questions / portions of the survey that make you want to exit the process? (i.e. if you started the survey and stopped before finishing it, at what question did that happen, and what made you want to stop?) Thank you in advance for your feedback! Amy
@amy_tang Just a thought, In current pandemic situation tourism is the most effected industry. Is there anyway this product encouraging the tourists.