Natalia Toth

6 lessons I learnt from sponsoring newsletters🧑‍🎓

Hi PH community, Newsletter sponsorships can be a powerful way to get new users for your product, but one has to do it right. Today I feel like sharing some lessons we've learnt at Ranking Raccoon. We made some expensive mistakes so you don't have to: 1. Small engaged audience > large passive audience We've seen the best results from sponsoring a newsletter of just 4K subscribers, but our tool fit really well in their day-to-day job of acquiring backlinks. You're also likely to get the best CPL out of this 'niche' newsletters. 2. Placement matters The higher your ad is in the email, the more visibility it gets - and the more potential users check out your website. Some publishers offer to try out cheap options like advertising at the very bottom of a newsletter on a Friday, but that will also get you very few visits. 3. Dedicated landing pages are better Ideally, you have a special landing page for newsletter visitors - there must be a natural flow from the ad they just saw on the email to your website. That's especially crucial if you put a unique promo code or another exclusive offer in your ad 4. Only work with responsive publishers If the owner of a newsletter isn't responding to you within a few days with no good reason; if they're concealing data on the open rate and CTR or their target audience, it's better not to work with them. 5. If possible, sign a contract before paying upfront Where you list the responsibilities of both parties, to avoid any misunderstandings. We learnt that the hard way. 6. Expectations not met? Ask if they could make up for it If your ad didn't work well, the publisher doesn't owe you anything (unless you signed a contract, see #5), but some of them will act on goodwill. For example, we were featured in a second edition for free. Ask me any questions about newsletter sponsorship 👀

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Jane Philippova
Hi Natalia, Thanks for sharing your lessons! Do you have any tips on finding niche newsletters?