Jack Mallon

What will be the biggest investment sector in this decade? 🎆🎉


Businesses that aim to reduce, reverse & prevent climate change? Or perhaps they will address the increasing concerns around privacy? Maybe new types of businesses we havent even thought of yet? Let me know your thoughts.

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Andreea Balasa
@jackmallon Maybe not the biggest but looking at recent trends and how 2019 has evolved, FinTech could definitely be a runner up for the position
Garet McKinley
@jackmallon @andreea_balasa IMO fintech is going to blow up even more in the near-future. Maybe it won't be the industry of the decade, but definitely the near future. It seems like it's finally "trendy" to have a budget and start saving/investing. It's probably because of how long the stock market has been booming, it's really starting to get the attention of everyday people. Things like single use credit cards, subscription managers/packaging, strict budgeting/limiters, etc. Although I might be a tad biased since I work in fintech lol
Jack Mallon
@andreea_balasa @garetmckinley Yeah i think fintech has a few years left before it starts pulling back. Theres only so much innovation one sector can handle 😂
Andreea Balasa
@garetmckinley Exactly! My answer might be biased as well but it's also based on facts, if you check the amount of money invested in FinTechs last year. And there is so much more to be done. As one well known UK financial consultancy company suggests we've only covered 1%. And it's true. This is what we are trying to do at Lumio. Focus on hyper-personalisation and helping people grow their money in a mindful way.
Archie Hicklin
More shared platforms (think shared storage / hauling / cars), health-tech, machine learning, NLP, sober "alcohol", alternatives to SSRIs, opiates and benzos.
Jack Mallon
@suparchie Yeah i think your right on a few of those. Shared storage should be pretty big soon. The likes of filecoin and storj should help decentralize cloud storage. And non alcoholic drinks are doing well too, as more people become concerned about the health impacts of alcohol.
Archie Hicklin
@jackmallon True, I'm thinking about physical storage or kind of "Airbnbing" industries that are taken for granted. Perhaps a poor example. There's a lot of heavy and outdated business models and I think we'll see races to replace them in the 20's.
Jack Mallon
@suparchie Ahh i see, Yeah i'm more of a digital thinker so just went straight to cloud. I think more platforms will develop that are based around peer to peer and sharing too.
Walid Shaar
In my opinion, the biggest investment sectors are: - Data science / Data collection - Healthcare smart products - machine learning - Smart Connected Homes
Debajit Sarkar
Aerospace / Aviation - In this decade Air cabs/taxis will no longer remain a flight of fantasy. Consequently automobile majors will join hands with aerospace giants to design/build the perfect vehicle for sky high commute. Already, there are hundreds of firms competing to come up with the perfect airborne vehicle
Jack Mallon
@dsarkar I'm betting the opposite on this one and think its easier to go underground than in the air. But i am an Elon Musk fan boy so maybe i'm slightly bias
Debajit Sarkar
@jackmallon Fair enough. Go underground would be what...something similar to Hyper Loop ?
Jack Mallon
@dsarkar yeah i think thats what hes aiming for, however i don't think it will be a commercial thing until the very end of the decade. I just think there are too many issues not just relating to getting flying taxis to work, but also how cities will handle the regulations around having pedestrians underneath.
Dmitrii Ershov
Pharmaceuticals) With advanced analysis and forecasting solutions. 21st century, but the threat of pandemic is as real as in the 18th century.
Bulat Salakhov
Definitely new kinds of logistics and vehicles
Frederick Sieber
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