Karthik Tatikonda

5 Launch day activities that helped Katt crack #3 Product of the Day 🚀

@kattrisen is a kickass Indiehacker who launched 2 products on Product Hunt with one being ranked on Top 3 product of the day. And, she shared her launch day activities that helped with her launch in The Big Bang Launch Newsletter interview. Here are her launch day activities: 1. To make the launch successful, we’ve got 24 only hours. So, Katt blocks the launch day to just focus on product hunt launch. 2. The first 2-3 hours will make or break your launch. You should give 200% efforts at that time. So, she starts with the tasks that will give more upvotes like sharing in communities, sending DMs, and sharing the launch with her Email list. 3. She replies to every comment on Product Hunt. The more you engage on Product Hunt, the higher the chance of ranking your product. 4. She shares all the launch updates on Twitter. Twitter likes engagement, so your tweet will be shown to more people if you tweet more often. 5. At last, she will send messages to all her connection and followers who didn’t vote yet. This helps her retain the product hunt spot till the end of the day. In addition to the launch day activities, Katt shared her launch strategies and secrets in The Big Bang Launch Newsletter. Click here for the full article 👇 https://tbbl.launchpedia.co/katt...

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Julia Putzeys
great tips! thanks for sharing
Alessandro Canella
Thank you for sharing this! Also, if someone could share and list down any obstacles/ challenges they faced during the day of launch, it’ll be a great help! :)
Karthik Tatikonda
@alessandro_canella Sure Alessandro!! We've interviewed Pascio and Katt in the Big Bang Launch Newsletter, they've shared the chllaneges they faced while launching. Checkout those articles, dropping the link here. https://tbbl.launchpedia.co/prod...
Alessandro Canella
@karthik_tatikonda Thanks for sharing, I am diving in now! ;)
Qudsia Ali
A detailed article with excellent tips for all the founders there who are planning to launch on PH.
This was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing, Karthik ✨
Luka Vasic
A lot of people skip on #5 and I think it's the biggest reason my team got #1 POTD 2 times in a row. Months before the launch we help the PH community in discussions and launches and connect with people on LinkedIn/Twitter. When the launch day comes, you just message everyone you know from PH and most of them will help you and upvote/comment. Now that I said that, let's connect and help each other: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luka...