Aaron O'Leary

Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 22nd of June)

Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. 😊

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Fıratcan DOGAN
We launched recently and we are trying to figure out. So it's an online directory where you can share and discover curated collections for learning. We have a lot of collections for makers, designers and entrepreneurs right now. https://jooseph.com
Gonçalo Henriques
@firatdogan One of the problems of this tools is when you have a lot of saved tabs/articles. How are you solving that? Do you auto-tag?
Fıratcan DOGAN
@gonelf Thanks for your question. You can create collections(folders) to organize them actually. We don't have auto tag feature yet.
Gonçalo Henriques
@firatdogan That's the greatest issue, users will always need to spend the extra time organizing it. Most of people don't :D
@firatdogan good idea. I would like to have a chrome extension that I could install with 1 click. Without logging or registering account
Fıratcan DOGAN
@hvitis1 We have extension but you have to register an account since all the links you saved will be on your online library. :/
Piotr Bartoszek
👋 Hi guys, to anyone who has never seen my side project - What's your first impression when you see Owwly - https://owwly.com ? Do you know what is it for, what's the product's value? Will appreciate your feedback :)
Fıratcan DOGAN
@piotr_bartoszek Product directory that let's you add your product, give updates to audience and find others?
Michael Toner
@piotr_bartoszek it took me a moment. The "& learn from makers like you" threw me. I'd be tempted to change that and maybe change "News Box" to "New Products" but good to know and I'll be signing up
Joost van Hoof
@piotr_bartoszek first impression without clicking the link is that I thought it was the link shortening service 😉. The tagline on the top is nice but it feels weird that I'm able to close/dismiss it like an alert. If your product is new I'd keep it there permanently. First impression is that it is a betalist / startupbase etc portal.
@piotr_bartoszek yea it's obvious. Great amount of products. I would like to have a ranking for them. The more products the more overwhelmed I am
Norah Klintberg Sakal
@piotr_bartoszek First impression; clean and clear design, well done! Feedback; I Would love to be able to filter and sort the featured posts more granularly. Good job! 🌟
Felix Gerlach
We are launching soon https://breachchecker.com/ Would love to get early feedback.
Fıratcan DOGAN
@felixgerlach Cool but I don't know whether I have the problem or not. I don't know, should I use it when I suspect that my account hacked or when I saw a news that tells the app I'm using had data breach?
Gonçalo Henriques
@felixgerlach Isn't there already tools like this? What are the main differences?
Michael Sieb
@felixgerlach I once used haveibeenpwned.com ... Do different databases work in the background? What I like very much is the clean design of the site.
@felixgerlach awesome tool. Works Well. My only concern is that I'm not sure if you're saving my mail or not. There should be an explicit big info
Felix Gerlach
Hi @hvitis1, thanks for your feedback. We are not saving anything. Will maybe make it more explicit! :-)
Vojtech Rinik
I would love to get some feedback on my new Mac app. Just a little something to help you get into that hyper-focused working state. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Fıratcan DOGAN
@_vojto I really have that kind of problem and I like your app. I'd probably use this for long period of time to totally quit social media. For instance, I wouldn't use the breaks because I want to totally quit social media like quit smoking.
Karan Kanwar
@_vojto The users of our assistant service (https://getwingapp.com) will love this! Would you mind if we send a link in our biweekly newsletter when it's ready? :-) It has at least a few thousand viewers I believe
Vojtech Rinik
@karan_kanwar I would love to. I can't find your email. Do you mind connecting with me at vojto@hey.com?
Milind Patel
@_vojto Interesting. Definitely many distractions with social media, entertainment. With startup life, sometimes distractions comes with having difficulty managing different tasks. As one man army for company it gets complicated. Good work
Charles Burdett
Launching a physical product in a couple of weeks (does Product Hunt care much for physical?) https://www.workshoptactics.com There is a digital version on the website, but the main draw is the high quality physical version. I've been toying with dropping the landing page and getting people straight to the main content (https://www.workshoptactics.com/...). What do you think?
Michael Toner
@durablestretch not sure. I really like the list of "organisations using Workshop Tactics". Its such a good list and it appears without scrolling on the home page that I take the website/product much more seriously than I would otherwise. It doesn't appear at all in the other page. If you were to switch, I'd list it at the top.
Robert Zalaudek
@durablestretch First, while most of what is launched on PH is non-physical I do think there is interest. If nothing else, people will look at it because it's novel. I feel that the landing page serves a useful purpose of setting the context. Perhaps a more obvious link to people seeing the actual cards on the home page.
@durablestretch I'm with you on going straight to the main content. It says so much more and is visually more interesting. I don't want to be a dope, but this is a physical deck of cards that my company would use for product launch to keep my team on track. Is there a single person who would be the owner of the deck within the company? Are there instructions on how and when to use each card? Or are cards assigned to different disciplines. I really want this to be a win for you. Best of luck and let me know if you need anymore feedback. Cheers, Barry
Musharof Chowdhury
Recently launched: http://lineicons.com/ and preparing to launch: http://soonlaunch.com/
Michael Toner
@musharofchy line icons looks great and love being able to search for icons straight away and know which are free/pro. My only criticism is that the search is a bit too keen on showing you some sort of result, e.g. if you did a search for sql, it seems to show everything beginning with s. Even if it just had a "No exact match but ..." description it might set expectations
Musharof Chowdhury
@michael_toner Thanks for checking out, noted on this. Will make it as you said, I was thinking the same.
Michael Toner
@musharofchy still great though. so familiar that I don't have to think and can just get down to searching for what I need. Also decently priced
Musharof Chowdhury
@lilrushishah Thanks rushi for checking out and glad to know you liked. Let me know your feedback after using with your project :)
Dani Díez
I launched https://phoenixdown.co a couple weeks ago where I showcase failed projects from successful entrepreneurs, so other founders are more aware that failure is just a step towards their goal. Any feedback will be appreciated!
Rushi Shah
@daniel_diez I like the simplicity in the design. One feedback would be on the main home page as a stranger, I don't know what exactly the website is and the function. If I wasn't looking to give you feedback, I would have closed the tab to look at my many other tabs seeking my attention. Your stories are awesome and I like the way you have them laid out almost similar to how Medium does it. I would also add "share this article" feature below the title and not all the way below the promotions. It's almost hidden. Nice work with the interviews!
@daniel_diez I love this idea. Make it into a podcast and you have a hit. Love the name too. My only comment is let me know what the site is right away on the home page. I had to go to the About page to know what you were doing. I honestly didn't see the "stories to help you succeed" because it was running vertical on the side. Might want to change that line to "failure stories to help you succeed." It shows the perspective you are coming from, which is unique.
Pankaj Taneja
We are launching soon https://www.workmap.ai. WorkMap lets you automate workflows in a snap!
Lone Kjeldgaard
@pankajunk Really liking it. I didn't have a real problem to solve with automation right now, but when just trying it out, it would be helpful to have access to some templates for common use cases to get some inspiration
Rushi Shah
@pankajunk Are we able to export the data? Apart from that, how are you positioning your product? I'm trying to understand who your target audience would be? Is this for the ecommerce / shipping crowd? I like it btw. It's a mix of Google Sheets with Tableau
Pankaj Taneja
@lilrushishah it is a classic no-code platform, so a horizontal product. its for anyone who wants to organize information or automate workflows.
Alexandra Cote
Hi folks, Not a product but a content writing guide for startups: https://mktodyssey.wordpress.com... Would love feedback on it and I'm sure it's going to help a lot of you. Thanks!
George Koshy
@alexandra_m_co_e I am yet to completely go through your guide. What I liked is that a person who is interested in knowing more about content writing, you got me drawn into reading further with your writing style. Since it is a guide my suggestion would be to offer a pdf or ebook for someone to read it conveniently with content broken down into chapters.
Alexandra Cote
@george_koshy Yes! I have it just as a page so far for SEO reasons but I'll get it done in a more readable format too.
Isaac John Wesley
Looking for beta users - https://trainn.co (Please subscribe, and I will reach out) Trainn - Helps to you to train your users to become power users of your software. User adoption is very critical to any software. Trainn helps you to create & host quick "how to" training videos and share it to your users and help them adopt your software much smoother.
Charles Burdett
@isaac_john_wesley What is the outcome of training users to become power-users? "Train people to become power user of your software" is the process, not the result. Sell the outcome and result, not the process. Training for software is usually a result of poorly designed software. Are your target customers those who suffer from poor software design? P.S There's a grammatical error in your heading. "Train people to become power-user(s) of your software"
Inti Beer
@isaac_john_wesley Looks like a neat product, could you also turn the videos into GIF like format to be easily shared? Also do you host the videos? Is you business b2b or could you also use the site as a sort of instructional directory?
William Deng
It'd be great to have some feedback on my project 😊 Https://Kasu.io helps convert your TikTok and Instagram followers into monthly subscribers to your very own paid content channel! 🤑 In under 10 minutes you will be ready to accept tips and monthly subscriptions with your Kasu, it's as easy as starting an Instagram profile. With Kasu, unlike other platforms, you are fully in control of your content and users. 🤞🏻
Zach Taapken
@willddddd love the concept but the website gave me a headache a little bit with the lag and funky clicker.
William Deng
@zach_taapken I hope you are okay! In all seriousness though, what lag did you experience?
Zach Taapken
@willddddd hey all good :) thanks for checking. I think it was the response time on the cursor that was throwing me off, I assume the red circle as a cursor was intentional?
Rushi Shah
@willddddd Nice work. Quick feedback for small fixes: "notewhorty" spelling error and when you hover over "how it works" the text changes to "login". Apart from that, I like the concept, how are you different from onlyfans? I think the splash page could be more clear in terms of how it would work and what makes you different. Splash page seems busy to me right now and I don't think the current content makes me excited to use the product.
Lone Kjeldgaard
I am building a brainstorming webapp (http://www.brainstormer.online/ ) that helps facilitate remote brainstorms. I would be really grateful to get some feedback from anyone doing brainstorming, so that I can support however you like to do brainstorming in the best possible way. Right now I see two different use cases for the app, and I am wondering which one you would think as most useful: 1) For remote teams having a remote ideation session, where everyone is on their own screen. 2) Teams who are physically in the same room, where the screen serves as a board for the online "post-its", and participants add ideas from their phones. Right now I have added the following features: - Everyone can add ideas on "post-its" - The session can be timed with a 10 minute timer - Participants can Like the ideas they like most - All ideas, sorted by most likes, can be sent to an email address Which use cases would most likely suit your needs? Is there any functionality you feel is missing? You can check it out here: http://www.brainstormer.online/ All you need to do is to create a brainstorm and invite some people to brainstorm with you!
Pankaj Taneja
@lone_kjeldgaard I love your tool! it is really simple, and took me just a moment to get it! i would definitely use it if i am trying to vote on an idea in a group.
Rushi Shah
@lone_kjeldgaard Sometimes the simple ideas are the best. This is great. Any way you can get the post-its to move around? This might be a personal thing but when I'm brainstorming, I like to focus and have minimal distractions. I think there's a lot of different colors going on in the canvas. Have you looked at the Figma's canvas? It gives you "space" to think almost. I feel crunched for space in brainstormer board. Again it could just be me so take the feedback with a grain of salt. Few design fixes and I think your product could be ready to use on teams actually!
Lone Kjeldgaard
@lilrushishah Thanks for taking the time to check it out! Getting the post its to move is a great idea - I think I'll try to see if I can make that work at some point. Which screen size did you use? I think you're right that the canvas could use some extra space. I could try and make the sidebar collapsible, so it doesn't take up space.
Milber Ferreira
Hi makers 👋 We just launched the Fluently App Beta here on Product Hunt, and we would love to hear your feedback. We believe that Fluently could help many people who write in a foreign language. Share with us your thoughts, and especially if you find things you don't like or could improve. We'll love to hear that too 😊 https://www.producthunt.com/post... Thanks a million!
Lluís Ventura
HI all! Thank you @aaronoleary We keep improving comeet.me to transform your Calendar and GMeet into a space for better collaboration in your meetings. Comeet.me creates an space for each Calendar event where you can share and follow agenda points, write down notes (public or private) and write down and track next-steps. Comeet.me is also in your Gmeet, to make your virtual meetings easy. Follow-up you past meeting agreements in seconds and have the context (Gmail and Drive) always with you. What do you think about it? GIve it a try for free at www.comeet.me. Your feedback is very welcomed! Lluís M
Marc Grewenig
We are building world's first content engagement software to leverage existing content to maximize engagement. Focus on b2b (content) marketer and sales. We are currently looking for early adaptors in beta stage: https://beta.emlen.io/en/
Vladimir Esaulov
@marcgrewenig great! Where to get some more details about?
Marc Grewenig
@yesaulov Thank you! What kind of details do you need? Once I know that, I can forward. You can check out this landingpage: https://beta.emlen.io/sales-enab... or sign up to start using the beta by next week!
Vladimir Esaulov
@marcgrewenig okay thanks, that's enough, sorry, I'm just forgot to check landing page at the beginning, ha
Dafni Chontou
Hi 👋 We launched https://www.wonder-path.com/ with a mission to make mastering soft skills easy and fun! We’re getting ready to build our app and are now running a survey to discover winning features. We would love your feedback here: https://hello-wonderpath.typefor... Many thanks :)
Charles Burdett
@dafnihnd What are 'soft skills'? Don't expect everyone to know exactly what that means. What is the result of mastering these skills? Sell the outcome, not the process.
Dafni Chontou
@durablestretch soft skills is a common term used to describe social and emotional skills like empathy, leadership and creative thinking. While the outcome of mastering these skills is evident to our target group, we are going after to solve their main pain point aka the process.
Dante Kim
I would love some feedback on my new IOS app. It is a gamified pomodoro timer in which you start with an a baby avatar and every time you start the timer you "go on a quest for treasure". Helps you fight phone addiction and make focusing a habit. Check it out at https://focusbyte.io LAUNCHED: Focusbyte 1.0
Deepak Kumar Khatri
We have launched Webimor recently and would love your feedback on it. Webimor is an online graphic design service on Flat hourly rate. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Peter Assentorp
@kumar_deepak First of all, congratz on the launch. My suggestions: 1 ) Add some testimonials / social proof. You must have had some customers that you have done some work for. You need to build trust if you are asking people to pay. 2) Include designs of what you have previously made on the frontpage. Show what you can do. What can I expect my designs to look like if I use your service?
Deepak Kumar Khatri
@assentorp Thank you for the suggestions - we have worked for some confidential clients so far which is why we are not showing any of the information that you suggested but we are working on it and Hopefully you will see it soon! Thanks again for suggestion!
Joost van Hoof
@kumar_deepak congrats on the launch! Thinking about my own use case, it might be interesting to have some copy / positioning gear towards being an Upwork competitor. If I'm correct that would be the main alternative for customers? Your main differentiator is that you can deliver consistent quality, whereas with Upwork I might have to work with new people all the time and you don't know the quality level up front.
Gonçalo Henriques
Hello everyone 👋 We've been improving the Login / Sign up process to ease out the process Now you can login / sign up form the menu bar instead of going to a specific page for that. https://nocodery.com/ (please refresh your cach for CSS update)
Ralph Ngo
I've launched recently and would love some feedback. It's a spreadsheet as a database which isn't costly. Everything offered by Google is free, unless extra features. https://www.producthunt.com/post...