Kaloyan Dobrev

Hello to all Makers. Which name you preferred for notes app ?


The notes app is like any other app for notes in idea, but with different functionality.

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Gustavo Martucci
I think Pairnote, Relanote, and Notagraph all sound nice. Among them I think it depends on what's unique about what you are doing. Pairnote sounds like something heavily focused on collaboration. Relanote makes me think about releasing notes, so something more focused on sharing thoughts with the world. Notagraph is better if your focusing on either visual stuff or interrelated documents.
Pravin John
Pappera will help you standout, specially if you have or decide to add features that are not seen on a typical note app.
Bill Haywood
Jottero No idea why. It just came to mind. As in jotting down notes. And notero was already taken.
Bill Haywood
I think it's because so many of those have 'no' in the name, seems negative, and maybe I'm just being senstive. Lol
Shouldn't Notion be an option? I am most familiar with that.