ACTION REQUIRED OF YOU: Come on earthlings, tech bros, papas, and awesome uncles out there...
Help us build the next-gen of frigerator notes for parents, as a nifty time saving safety tool that lets parents share FAQs/FYI/in case of emergency/follow my instruction notes!
What's wrong?
*In 2020, stay at home parents are actually very nomadic, "on-the-go". Working parents need a non-parent to watch the kiddos.
*Today parents share childcare details in confusing ways, and are req to fill out bullshit forms issued by the hamster nitwits running the Dept of Health & Human Services
*It takes a village! Currently ~20M children are under 5 years old in USA. Every year ~4m babies are born in the USA. Nearly 25% of those children live in home with a single point of failure/head of household.
*Parents have a universal need to share info about their kids with caregivers.
*No family is immune to emergencies.
*Every family is unique.
Our mobile Hack!
emcaso has created an everyday, paperless, fast, easy way for parents to complete legal forms and answer common questions about their kids in 1 click, via their mobile phone.
We are thrilled to let parents secure safer child care faster with emcaso as a helper. emcaso:
1 ) provides clarity - by empowering care givers with clear protocols about how to best care for children they are responsible for
2 ) strengthens inner circle - solidifies the relationships young kids have with their care givers by keeping coop informed
3 ) allows parents to save time - by improving findability of family care details in 1 central knowledge base
4 ) improves the outcome of emergency situations by streamlining family care operations
How can you help?
In so many ways. We love angels of all kinds. Upvote us! Brainstorm with us! QA with us! Dashboard with us!