Altiam Kabir

153-Day Streak 🔥 on PH While Building a SaaS Discussion Community 🚀

Started building a SaaS Discussion Community with Product Hunt Streak 1. Unfortunately, I lost an 87-day streak on PH and started again. Finally, now it's 153-day streak on Product Hunt, and we're growing strong with our SaaS Discussion Community, which has around 8500 dedicated SaaS founders and users. ❤

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Anthara Fairooz Choudhury
Kausambi Manjita
Wow 153 days ain’t no mean feat! You’ve to share tips - how to maintain this consistency?
Altiam Kabir
@kmanjita Sure Maybe I will soon create a detailed post about it. But all I can say now is Just use the PH app on your phone and stay active
Kausambi Manjita
@altiamkabir would love that post :) Submitted a request to the FB group, look forward to being active there
Alex G
Congratulations! And All the best!