🔥14 Best PH launch tips. What did I miss?
1. Be active on PH (support others, create discussions, comment on others' discussions).
2. Create your Coming Soon page. Share it on PH, Twitter, LinkedIn.
3. Be active on social media. Post about your PH launch.
4. Connect with people from PH on LinkedIn/Twitter.
5. Clean your launch day and the day after that.
6. Check your website and the onboarding process.
7. Check your welcome email sequence.
8. Engage in real-time.
9. Don't panic. Be ready for everything. The PH team didn’t launch my product on time.
10. Make sure you can reach out to people who can support your product throughout the 24-hour launch day.
11. DM people on your launch day with a reminder.
12. Join relevant groups and chats.
13. Track your progress with tools like hunted.space or Product Wars 2
14. Prepare social media posts, announcements for communities, emails.
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I reached 26K on LinkedIn. 0 outbound. Will launch my LinkedIn Inbound Playbook soon. If you're interested, here's a link to receive a notification:
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