Mitch Gillogly

What are examples of things you've done that don't scale?


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Rita S
What do you mean by things? I didn't get your question. But at times it's hard to get visitors to make them subscribe to your newsletter. I found this hard to scale. Though keep posting content is one way. You need to find alternative methods to generate traffic. I keep reading and thinking about how I can do it better and is there a way out. But at times it is really hard.
Mitch Gillogly
@amrita_sukumar AirBnb flew to NYC and took professional photographs of the hosts properties to make them look more appealing online. With Stripe if anyone agreed to try their product the Collison's would go to their place and install the software for them. Those are two examples of doing things that don't scale.
Rita S
@mitchgillogly I am targeting 50 event planners for my beta app. I have started sharing flyers. I want to get on the call with them.
Ryan Hoover
I used to personally welcome (not the automated emails from the "CEO") 50-100 people that signed up for Product Hunt every day. It was effective in creating a positive impression and community in the early days. Of course today I have to focus on more scaleable activities.
@rrhoover I remember that email. You were small, just started the newsletter and you wrote to me just about a day or so after I signed up. You welcomed me and asked about my role at Google. I was really taken back and it left at early impressed that you were engaged with your users. That has stuck with me since.
I used to call every Hustle Crew workshop attendee 1:1 after a session to check-in with them and see how they have progressed since the session, and understand if they were any closer to reaching their career goals. It was hours of work in total but helped me understand their challenges better, and build deeper relationships. I'd often schedule an additional follow-up a month down the line, too.
Nathan Grieve
Manually reaching out to hundreds of people on linkedin