Kaloyan Dobrev

Hi Makers, what makes your working space more enjoyable for you ?

We all work in different places and we like different thing about them. What makes your working space to be fun to work in ? Do you preferred quiet space or the noisy coffee shop ? Do you have your own or do you use coworking space ?

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Renato Barba
It depends on the type of output, to get inspired -> places with lots going on and for actual focused working less noisy places with proper lighting, otherwise headaches are inevitable
I love having natural light as much as possible so I'll place myself near a window - also gives me a nice view so I can look away from my screen every now and then. I also like quiet. I grew up spending a lot of time in libraries so for me focus time is about making a peaceful quiet oasis hehe. How about you?
Kaloyan Dobrev
@abadesi I too like quiet space, but even if I am at noisy place, my escape is putting my headphones and playing some song on repeat. That way I suppress everything around, the bad in this situation is when a colleague need me, I often cannot hear him. The view sometimes is distracting me, but it is nice from time to time to change the perspective and to go for a walk for a 15 minutes. One weird thing I am so much productive if the place is clean and ordered. So no messy desk or anything like that.
I enjoy a quiet space, clean surroundings, nice lighting and comfortable room temperature.
Kaloyan Dobrev
@andrefuchs Do you have the perfect room temperature in Celsius ?
Amandine FLACHS
+1 on the natural light, I also like flexibility meaning I don't mind being on an open space with some noise but I need to easily be able to isolate myself either to have some calls or just to focus on work. I also like to switch from a seated to a standing desk even if that just mean going to another room with a high table. And I almost forget, I need to stay warm!
Kaloyan Dobrev
@amandineflachs I haven't try standing desk. How much time do you spent comfortably at it ? I have seen that in some places they go an extra mile and put treadmill under it - have you try that ?
Amandine FLACHS
@kokiweb If the table is at the right height, I think I can stand for about 3 hours. I have never tried with a treadmill but would love to! I am not sure I'd be able to always be walking tho.
Una Vidaković
I need nice lighting but I like noisy places and I love working and studying in coffee shops, I don't find noise distracting and when I am alone in the public place I always think: ''I need to be working, not browsing the internet, I don't want people to think that I am weird person watching YouTube videos in coffee shop''. I really can work anywhere but I tend to get to detracted at home with family, pets, chores
Kaloyan Dobrev
@una_vidakovic Yeah, if I am surrounded with colleagues it easy to stay focus on the task. I think when you are being watch is motivating us not to delay tasks.
Rashmi Gupta
Good Coffee
Kaloyan Dobrev
@rashjbp What coffee - espresso or americano ?
Simone Zienna
It really depends on the task for me. If I need to work on something more logical like coding or coming up with a project architecture then I definitely prefer quite places. Otherwise a not-too-noisy coffee shop works well too
Kaloyan Dobrev
What is distracting you from work ?
Robert Zalaudek
Big windows looking into nature, an organized desk and a cup of coffee - not necessarily in that order 😜
Kaloyan Dobrev
@robert_zalaudek Interesting that i don't like the taste of coffee, but I love the smell of it - It is so refreshing, when somebody buys coffee and the office get the aroma of fresh coffee.