Jakub Piskor

1,000 website visitors with zero paid ads (July 2022)

In July 2022, I launched Userdome.com Got ~1,000 website visitors. No paid traffic. I do only activities on social media and in communities. Top sources: - Indie Hackers (278 visits) - Product Hunt (272 visits) - Reddit (183 visits) - Direct (232 visits) It took me ~5 hours/week to create content. I have a goal to be more consistent and create more valuable content in upcoming months.

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Zaini Ismail
That's great. The traffic comes in when you share quality content. That's a good reward.
Stas Voronov
Sounds great! Did you launch on ProductHunt or how did you get traffic? Also, "Direct" - what does it mean?
Jakub Piskor
@stas_voronov Product Hunt's traffic is a combination of launch and participation in discussions. But most of the PH's traffic is from product launch. Direct - visitors who saw a mention about Userdome somewhere and came directly to the page.
Stas Voronov
@jakub_piskor But how did you get traffic from discussions? Just promote your product in comments?
Jakub Piskor
@stas_voronov Mostly, I don't promote a product in discussions directly. I share content connected to the product (product building, results & stats, new features), and it drives the traffic (I have a link in my bio). Sometimes I share products directly, but it's only if I see heavily-related discussion.
Rich Watson
what do you post on reddit? and when or what discussions do you share the link on product hunt and indie hackers? not exactly sure where our traffic coming form, but I know most of it is from Discord
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