Ryan Holiday

Geebus — The best products calculated using all of the webs ratings


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Hey There, Geebus aggregates the webs expert ratings and customer ratings to quickly calculate the very best products on the market. This week we did 'Cell Phones' and the 'Motorola MOTO G' has the highest ranking with 10/10 from a collection of over 500,000 ratings. Looks like next weeks calculation will be Laptops Product hunters can access another 85 categories currently in Beta.
Paul Lee
Great platform, Ross! Are you scraping most of these reviews manually or automatically? Are you planning on making most of your revenue through affiliate commissions?
Dylan Smith
How are the product aggregated? Where does this data come from?
Hi Dylan, the ratings for each product are collected from all over the web - Cnet ... Wired ... Amazon ... Best Buy ... and lots more Each Geebus product score is an average of them all while taking into account how old the product is and giving weight to expert scores and newer models etc..... You can view the individual ratings and reviews we collected for each product on the product pages. Example: http://www.geebus.com/product/mo...
Thanks Paul. You guessed it, the website is currently affiliate based for now. The ratings collection process is automatic for the most part. 500,000 ratings just for the cell phones category alone........ Geebus is good but he's not that good :)
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Hey @rossodono! Liking Geebus a lot because of the time-saving factor - I do comprehensive research (like many people) before making larger purchases and also provide "research as a service" for my family. Ha! Questions: how do you aggregate a product's ratings/rankings/reviews without being able to filter out dupe submissions across data sources?
@kkdub Fair question Kelly. The ratings/reviews are only collected from trusted websites that are known to filter out dupe reviews. Experts ratings/reviews need to have a track record and customer reviews are only collected from websites such as Amazon.com where the reviewer must have purchased the item first. Obviously a few dodgy ratings will always sneak through the cracks, but its hard for those few to spoil the true aggregated rating when they are up against 10,000 real ratings just for one product. Example: http://www.geebus.com/product/mo...
Hi @rossodono geebus.com is not loading getting some database connection exception