GDPR Tracker - Track the GDPR compliance of your SaaS vendors

We believe that SaaS companies should lead by example by transparently sharing their readiness, compliance and demonstrate best practices.

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Logan @ Flaredown
I'm sorry this is not constructive but I can't ignore it -- the animated icon is definitely spinning the wrong direction!
Jan Van Echelpoel
@flaredown According to my very intense research on this subject there's no physical reason why it can't go either direction, it's just that people are used to things going clockwise. So you can see this as my little statement against generally accepted human habits.
@flaredown @echlpl It's not that it can't spin in either direction, it's that vertical line coming off the center dot is the current direction the radar is pointed, as it moves it updates the area it just swept on the map leaving a fading trail as it sweeps. So the trail should always be coming from behind the direction of movement. PS Cool product!
Hi Product Hunt, Happy GDPR day! Over the past months, we launched gdprchecklist.io (it says what it does), but also gdprform.io (an easy to configure form to manage and simplify Data Subject access requests). Today, we’re proud to announce a new community project called GDPR Tracker — a crowdsourced directory helping companies and all of us to track and follow the GDPR Readiness, compliance efforts and data handling practices of their cloud services. Data points we collect: - Service - Hosting partners - Data center locations - Compliance status - Data breaches - Sub-processors - Certifications - DPAs - Security (CSP, SSL, ...) powered by our friends over at Sqreen.io - and many more .. You're welcome to add your service to Github or Google Form. We're looking forward seeing your contributions!
Robine Van Campen

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Totally took away my fear of GDPR



Jeroen Corthout ☕

The guys have done another amazing job at helping us to be compliant in an easy way. After gdprform.io and gdprchecklist.io this is an awesome initiative to complete it all.


Best way to keep track of subprocessor and vendor compliance without Googling like a madman


Not complete (yet)

Manu Labarbe

Will keep an eye on this one in the future! Great work.


Great transparancy tool


None so far

Scott Bobbitt
Great Product! A minor UI thought: Would it be possible to freeze the header so that we can know which column is which when scrolling?
@scottebobbitt Thanks, Scott. We will try to add this next week!
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
Happy GDPR day indeed! We should talk Gertjan. At Siftery we're helping companies stay on top of their vendor's security and privacy compliance. We published a resource with now almost 2,000 GDPR statements here: https://track.siftery.com/gdpr-c...
@ggiaco yes, let's schedule a call next week?
@ggiaco Would you mind updating your profile on Github? Someone is currently claiming that you're non-compliant. https://github.com/privacyradius...
Alexis Fogel
Seems like something that will become ever more valuable if it can stay up to date. Cool thing.
Thanks, Alexis. We're currently looking into automating stuff to seed the list, keep the information up to date & include security monitoring in partnership with sqreen.io. Besides that, we want to see Dashlane on the list! Can you make this happen?
Vlad Korobov
Hey guys, I recommend you to disable cookies by default ;) We were scared and create an article for everybody how to do so https://www.metric.ai/blog/gdpr-...
@vladkorobov Thanks Vlad! Would you mind adding Metric.ai?
Marius Sonnentag
The best think about this is all (if available) linked DPAs. Thumbs Up. Will add a few more
Brian Hankey

Like Manu and Jeroen, will keep an eye on this and love the concept.


Excellent tool to review compliance


None so far