
Viago - GPS navigation app by Garmin

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A small detail they did in this (which I've wished Google Maps would add for a while) is the speed limits. I miss the signs all the time driving around new areas and have no idea if I'm flying or holding up traffic.
Jonathon Triest
So few reasons I've found to use this over google maps/waze etc? Am I missing something?
Nope think you're right @jtriest not looking like enough to make a switch
Paul Arterburn
Pricey little fella. $75 in the extras that you'd want to make this worth switching (any of the free options) for.
Ben Munson
When you compare this features:price, there are better solutions, but that's probably not the story here. The story may be that baby boomers are locked-in to the Garmin UI and want it on their new phones. It's the Buick of navigation?
Paul Arterburn
@munsonbh If that's the play, it was a terrible idea to rebrand it. I'm not sure the UI is all that similar to their hardware version (hence the need for another brand).
Ben Munson
@parterburn This isn't a rebrand: it's a new sub-brand or category brand. Do a little side-by-side comparison to these interface screens for the Garmin Nuvi: