Not sure how this will compare to other smart watches in terms of their integrations with software such was RunKeeper or Apple's Watch that's coming up. Unless you're a hardcore runner, I'm not sure if the value prop is strong enough to justify spending $449
@will_lam that's a dedicated pro multisports watch. I'm not sure if it's possible to compare it with anything out there, since it is designed and built (both hw and sw) for a specific user profile and purpose.
It's good to see an update to 910XT, but I'm disappointed to see that it is still (really) huge in size.
@ugurkaner Yeah.. it's utility will only resonate with that specific profile, which already is a limited market. With Pebble, Apple watch etc that address a broader market with running software that is "pretty good" but not as a good the 920XT, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be a "knockout success" in terms of sales.
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