Mubashar Iqbal

Gane - Like Venmo only way better!


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Seth Louey
Thanks so much for the hunt @mubashariqbal! Today, SimplyTapp is launching its consumer-facing payment, money transfer and shopping app, Gane, in the US. The fully digitized mobile app offers its customers the ability to redeem merchant based incentives and coupons at the same time as payment through the use of both Apple Pay and Android. This makes Gane an easy, secure and private way to shop, save, pay and transfer that’s fast and convenient. Gane is based on an automatic app-to-wallet integration that combines shopping incentive offers like Groupon, with the ability to buy goods and services in both brick and mortar as well as online shops like Visa, with P2P money transfer like Venmo. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°
Seth Louey
PS- Will buy 🍻 for feedback. 😜
Paul Walsh
@sethlouey @mubashariqbal Need to better understand this as it looks great on the face of it. Would love to know if there's a potential partnership for you with the largest gift card company in the US - let's catch up soon Seth and congrats on this. I really like your work :)
Seth Louey
Thanks @paul__walsh! Always looking to catch up with you. // @mubashariqbal
Paul Walsh
@sethlouey @mubashariqbal Blackhawk Network - see if there's a potential partnership for you there as I'm talking to their executive team about the landscape in the context of their business.
Seth Louey
@paul__walsh we met them at Money 20/20. ;) Great team. They loved Gane.
Alain Lagrecque
First heard about Gain on @francovarriano & @tylercopeland podcast with @sethlouey A super interesting journey, definitely worth a listen:
Seth Louey
@alangarrec @francovarriano @tylercopeland My first podcast ever and it's been a wonderful source of ROI. ;)
@alangarrec @francovarriano @tylercopeland Thanks Alan. If you want to discuss how Gane and Coworker Coffee might collaborate just let @sethlouey or myself know
Franco Varriano
@alangarrec Thanks for the ongoing support man! We love having amazing guests like @sethlouey // @tylercopeland
Alain Lagrecque
@ted_gives thanks, would love to see if there's an opportunity there. I know @sethlouey from a couple of Slack groups and we're due for a catch-up.
Ariel Assaraf
Looks awesome !
Seth Louey
@arielassaraf thanks dude! It's nice saving money on my daily coffee walks to Starbucks. πŸ˜œβ˜•οΈ
@arielassaraf How do you like the design and feel? What is your favorite offer you see? The one from Starbucks and Chic fil a are both very liked!
Ariel Assaraf
@ted_gives looks very good UX &a UI. I'd add an option to personalize my offers with an OK Cupid style questionnaire.
Seth Louey
@arielassaraf @ted_gives hmm... that's interesting. We do have some plans for more advanced offers and discovery in the near future. Might have to download Ok Cupid to see their UX. (Better let my fiancee know before hand) 😜
Seth Louey
Thanks @goldman_artem for the support!
@goldman_artem Thanks ! We aim to change the way people experience mobile commerce and the definition of currency at the retailers. We are seeing engagement increasing after a user makes their first tap! that is a great KPI
Everette Taylor
congrats on this @sethlouey, looks dope!
Seth Louey
Thanks @everette! Does Skurt allow Apple/Android Pay? We could always create offers for Skurt.
Everette Taylor
@sethlouey Not yet... =)
The product has been great to build, and everyone on the team has helped to make this a great product that the will only get better with each adjustment, enhancement, and review. User feedback has been great so please share with us in whatever way is easiest. @ganeapp, FB, email or snap:GanePay "way better than Venmo" oh and if it is really great feedback you want to share with the world, there is always leaving a review on the app stores. wink!
Brooke Rigby
Proud to be a part of this product! You had me at 'chatbot'
Ravi Srinivasan
Like the concept Seth. Who are your partners? And when are you launching in Oz? And when can I have my🍻😜?
@ravsydney @seth i am one of the partners here at Gane. We hope to touch down in Oz later this year but that will depend on our partner and how quickly they can roll out Gane in one other key market. Seth send this man an handle of beer!
Seth Louey
@ravsydney wonder if beer can fly?!
@sethlouey @ravsydney Maybe not beer but Gane can. any chance you can download apps from the US app store?
The meaning of cash is changing. Gane believes that cash in the digital format is going to be more fluid than today. I am waiting for someone to ask a question about why Gane is better than Venmo! Who is going ask the question? Please ask the question!
Richard Liriano
@ted_gives why is it better than Venmo? πŸ˜‰
@rliriano well thanks for asking! Gane offers P2P money transfer that allows you to spend the money you receive instantly. No waiting, no fees. You need $15 from a buddy to buy lunch but remember while waiting in line to check out? With Gane the instant they send you the money you can use it immediately. But Gane does not only make transferring money faster and more useful for real world instore purchases, Gane makes taking advantage of merchant deals and offers easier. No codes, or cut out paper coupons. Why should you have to present a specialized code at the register or before you order? With Gane you don't we take care of that and do it instantly. Again, no waiting. This takes out the awkward exchange with the cashier or waiter. "oh, wait! I have a coupon!" No more. If you have the offer we apply it so you don't have to. No more getting a different level of service. Also, Gane is integrated with Apple Pay so you can use in ever app that has integrated Apple Pay and that list is expanding rapidly. Gane works at the speed of life so you can enjoy life as it naturally unfolds. Hope that was a helpful explanation.
Khairul Akmal
@sethlouey Congratulations buddy! And will it be available in Asia soon?
Seth Louey
@mofodox Thanks dude. It works world wide for payments but we are restricting the users to US citizen for the time being. It the best way to test out the product right now.
Khairul Akmal
@sethlouey No worries! Noted and let me know if you're branching out to Asia ✌️ Let me know if you need any help πŸ™‚
Kevin Newman
Looks cool @sethlouey! Congrats man - does this work at any merchant that accepts Android Tap worldwide?
Seth Louey
@kevinnewmanyo thanks dude. It works anywhere that Android Tap is accepted, but currently only US.
@sethlouey @kevinnewmanyo yes it works world wide for payments but we are restricting the users to US citizen for the time being. Kinda a bummer I know but it is the best way for Gane to gather the necessary feedback before further expansion. Would love to hear your direct feedback about your experience and what eatures resonate the most for you.
Paul Kemp
I really enjoyed my recent chat with Gane founder @tom_gives . Thanks for setting this up @sethlouey
@paul_s_kemp @tom_gives @sethlouey Thanks Paul you have a great podcast. If anyone has not check it out I would do so this weekend. Lots of helpful stories and insight for app builders.
Charity Amis
Ok, so I have invited all of my family and a few friends to try this out. I don't usually do this but ever since I ditched bank of America I have been trying to get them to try stuff like this out. So far the first two to answer asked me to stop sending them "game requests." That is something I have never done not even on Facebook.
@charity_amis oh my. They asked you to stop sending requests to join GANE? How many did you send them? What are your are you going to do now?
Charity Amis
@ted_gives well, it doesn't so much bother me. I just thought I would post that experience. People seem to barely read the text and mistake the word "Gane" for the word "Game." Not really sure if you could fix that. It doesn't really deter me from inviting more people though.
Jason Gurwin
@sethlouey - just tried to use it in Starbucks app with Apple Pay and got an error. Do you have to fund the account first - shouldn't the $10 credit cover it?
Matthew Dougherty
Happy to see this! @ted_gives I see in the terms and conditions that there are fees associated with "MasterCard gift card." Are these fees accurate?
@_mgdo no fees.