Michael Seibel

GamerPay - Marketplace for trading gaming nft’s without crypto

We are a marketplace that makes it safe to trade skins & nft’s. We are the first to offer casual gamers to participate in upcoming blockchain games without ever touching crypto currencies.

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Martin Lykke Suhr
Thanks @mwseibel for the hunt! GamerPay co-founders Martin, Mathias, Rasmus, Morten and Peter here! Self Expression in games is more popular than ever - especially among Gen-Z’s. However it is flawed in several ways. Talking to more than 5,000 gamers we found that 46% had been scammed more than once. So we set sails for safety. Job done. The next pressing issue is ownership. Gamers generally love self expression, but hate sunk costs and not being able to trade their inventory from one look to another without sending more money down the drain. You might think blockchain would be the answer to that, and in essence it is. Gamers love the notion of ownership but are not at all in love with crypto. We believe that everyone should have the right to look like they want and at the same time have the right to sell and buy new skins. So we combined the best of two worlds, leveraging the open nature of blockchain to keep track of ownership of skins, but removing crypto from the equation. So going forward you can now buy skins for new and upcoming games, without sunk cost or ever touching crypto. By going in that direction we remove: On and off ramp to crypto, and let’s be honest the user journey from cash, to crypto to skins ain't great. We mitigate some of the risk with double volatility of both skin and the underlying token. Of course even better solved if the chain also operates with a stablecoin underneath. Savings on taxation. In most countries you pay taxes when going from crypto to skins and back again to crypto. Most gamers are not investors but are just passionate about the games they play and flexing in them. Let’s remember that. We'd love to hear from you if you love to game or know about cool games coming out!! Hit us up with any feedback, questions, or suggestions of how we can improve our offering. We care deeply about your experience and are always looking for ways to improve. Reach out to Martin@gamerpay.gg or Morten@gamerpay.gg See you on the server Team GamerPay ;-)
Gladys Atienza
This is really impressive! @martin_lykke_suhr I'm sure many gamers will be grateful for the ability to express themselves without worrying about getting scammed or high taxes when trading skins.
Farisa Ottaviano
@mwseibel @martin_lykke_suhr Very interesting! Congratulations on your launch
Awee Gee
@mwseibel @martin_lykke_suhr Here's to a bright future for you! Congratulations on your launch! Merry Christmas!!!
Rhymer Espinosa
@mwseibel @martin_lykke_suhr Looks fantastic. I'll give it a try, and leave some feedback here soon. Rooting for your success. Congrats on the launch!
Muskan Keshervani
Always thought of trying nft but never got something good. This is nice will give it a try!
Martin Lykke Suhr
@muskan_keshervani thanks, looking forward for you to try out. Hope you like the onboarding, and find it easy.
Joakim Bruchmann
Loving both the product and the video! 😇 Love the mentality of solving problems rather than throwing around buzzwords. Keep going!!
Martin Lykke Suhr
@joakim_bruchmann thanks a lot. Yes we don't believe in buzzwords either. We just want to empower gamers and giving them the right over what they buy digitally.
Joakim Bruchmann
@martin_lykke_suhr that's how it should be for everyone! Why's the market standard so reliant on crypto according to you?
Martin Lykke Suhr
@joakim_bruchmann I guess there is a lot of reasons. But I think mostly because it is the easy route. Building a regulated and fully compliant marketplace with cash is not an easy task. Crypto at least for now, being somewhat regulated is more plug and play.
MJ Maquiling
All the best on your launch @martin_lykke_suhr !
Mert Deveci
I thought it was not possible to trade skins from Steam as there is a 1 week lockup. And where do the NFTs come into play in GamerPay?
Martin Lykke Suhr
@mert_deveci1 Hi Mert, Valve has always had an open approach to their skin economy and you are able to trade them as you like. However newly traded items are tradelocked for 7 days. In regards to NFT's we are launching our solution at 15.00 CET. But that would have led to half a day on Product Hunt, so this is our first release of the news
Mathias Hermansen
Finally a solution to the 99,9% of gamers who doesnt do crypto..!
Rich Watson
congrats on the launch !!!
Adam Ingwersen Linnemann
Exciting launch! 🚀
Carlo Badini
Congrats on the launch guys!!!
Alfried Owen
congrats on the launch :3