Bogomil Shopov - Бого

Game Analytics - Free n' Fast Game Analytics

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Gabriel Machuret
is this only for games? I work with Apps worldwide and I think this is amazing... specially to understand when the users are losing engagement.
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
@gabrielmachuret I hope @gameanalytics or @wulff will give you an answer soon :)
Morten E. Wulff
@gabrielmachuret our focus at @gameanalytics is games - but we do see a few edge cases using the service.
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my Analytics collection:
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
A free analytics platform that helps game developers understand their players' behaviour by delivering relevant insights. Supports Ios SDK, Android SDK, Unity - iOS / Android, Xamarin SDK (soon) and Corona SDK(soon)
Ivo Dimitrov
Great product! It's a pity I don't work in the field of games, but this is my dream. Good luck to you guys. And one more question: Did you try to create tools for gamification?