Game of Thrones Network
The hottest Game of Thrones news, rumors, and posts
Javier Sandoval

Game of Thrones Network — The hottest Game of Thrones news, rumors, and posts

Adam Lieb
@paulingalls I'd love to hear about how you came up with this idea out of Fanzo. Obviously GoT is pretty different than sports! I (for obvious reasons) love affinity based communities and would love to hear how you got here. I know the PH community loves these type of stories as well.
Paul Ingalls
@adamslieb The beauty of our platform is that it's underlying technology is topic independent. There is not that much difference between following the Seahawks in social and following Game of Thrones. As a consumer, I'm a fan of a lot of different things. Twitter can be tough to follow multiple different topics without a lot of work building lists etc. Topics like GoT can also be very busy, with one tweet in ten being interesting. So it made sense to build an affinity based community for its pure simplicity. Since a bunch of us here are fans of the books and the show, GoT made a great experiment to see if a more niche product could work. The feedback has been great so far, so expect more topical communities in the future.
Paul Ingalls
It's a great feeling when you spend a lot of timing building something for a targeted purpose and then discover that you can use it for a lot of other things. It's like finding a $20 bill in the couch. Thrones came out of a fun experiment. We built it because we are fans of the show. We persevered through 3 app store rejections to get out just in time for the show. Hope you all enjoy it!