Gustaf Alströmer

Gallery - Environments per-pull-request, on your own cloud


Replicate your production environment in one click, trigger builds on pull requests by connecting to Github/Gitlab, and share environment previews with QA through Slack/Jira - all with any cloud provider & any environment architecture.

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Jagath Vytheeswaran
Hey Product Hunt! Thanks for the hunt @gustaf🙏 I’m Jagath, one of the makers of Gallery. How we got here Gallery actually spun out of something we built for ourselves when we were trying to build a product a month (check out our PH profiles for some of our older attempts at product glory 😤). Our launch cycles consistently went like this: - Build out a ton of features pre-launch - Test locally, everything works! - @vigneshv59 and I push to staging a few hours before launch - Broken on staging! Frantically try to retrace our steps to figure out why things aren’t working on staging but working locally - Make haphazard fixes, launch, and hope for the best 🙏🙏🙏 After a few rounds of this, we got fed up and just replicated our production environment exactly into our own personal staging environments. We got unexpectedly interested in the world of infra-as-code, though, and ended up building a solution to spin up fully-featured prod replicas per-feature-branch with Git triggers. We bragged about it to some founder friends, and were flattered to see that they wanted it, too! We’ve since spent the past couple of weeks transforming this from our own hacky internal tool to a product we’re hoping will serve teams of engineers everywhere. How it works Getting started with Gallery for your own projects is super simple, and requires zero expertise in devops, Kubernetes, Docker, algebra, etc. 1. Connect your cloud and Git accounts 2. Create a template of the environment you want to replicate by syncing an existing cloud project or pasting a Terraform snippet describing the services you want to spin up 3. Link a deployment repo and specify the build commands 4. Link a repo and choose the action type (PR’s, tagged PR’s, just tags) that spins up an environment 5. Spin up facsimiles of the template environment on your own cloud on build triggers, and share previews of the environment via a generated link 6. Tell your friends, family, VC Twitter, boss, and diary about how Gallery was the coolest part of your day. Ruminate on how the future has come sooner than expected. Who we support We currently support all cloud providers on any stack through Terraform, and instant project syncing without Terraform for GCP/Firebase (other providers coming soon!) How YOU can get started on Gallery Fill out the short form on our website and we’ll respond ASAP with onboarding instructions for your specific stack. Just for our fellow PH builders, we’re offering Gallery at a discounted rate of $200/mo. for every 5 concurrent environments, with a 21-day post-onboarding money-back guarantee! Just mention PH in the “How did you hear about us” question. Cheers! Jagath
Ricky Yean
@gustaf @vigneshv59 @jagath_vytheeswaran ship a product a month, and then ship the thing that helped you ship a product a month...sounds familiar...exactly how we got to
Jagath Vytheeswaran
@rickyyean flattered by the comparison 🙏🙏 couldn't have shipped this in a month without my Saturday flow clubs!
Anmol Arora
This is amazing. @vikram_patel3 & I have an internal hacky version of this we use - we have written a bunch of shell scripts and have a staging domain where we deploy before moving to production. Gallery is definitely a game-changer. Congrats on the launch, and Good Luck!
Sanket Chauhan
Oo we should start using this because it’s a pain. Just signed up!
Jagath Vytheeswaran
@sanketchauhan @pranavbadami awesome, thanks for the support!
Shri Sukhani
Just reached out to book a demo! So excited to try it out for our team! :)
Jagath Vytheeswaran
@shrisukhani Awesome, excited to help y'all out!
Joe Sutcliffe
Looks super cool @jagath_vytheeswaran, well done!
Kenneth Cassel
this is cool! Love that you built it to scratch your own itch
Jagath Vytheeswaran
@kennethcassel sometimes the most interesting problems were under our noses all along!
CG Chen
Congrats Jagath! 🙌 😇 🎉
Jagath Vytheeswaran
@cgchen Thanks CG!
David Tran
> - Broken on staging! Frantically try to retrace our steps to figure out why things aren’t working on staging but working locally Haha, 100% feel this. Especially when then later realize that I hadn't pushed the right commit/branch or that the deploy had failed. Congrats on the launch!