Will be super convenient having all my feeds collected in one place and saving time not having to jump around different feeds in different apps, to be able to get a overview! Awesome!
Thank you! We really see this as the solution to the problem of over-flooding social media feeds.
In which ways do you see this being of use for brands and influencers?
@mrfransandre Right now brands and influencers have to post to multiple different social medias, if they see that a majority of their followers is on the same social media platforms, then they can choose to focus more on certain platforms! And then maybe they don´t will have to automate posting on different social platforms at the same time, which will make brands more human plus that they don´t post inappropriate things when there has been some disaster for example terrorist attack or natural disaster
Ah yes! A lot of the brands that use Gaddr have a similar approach to it, seems like Gaddr hit a spot there! We've really seen a lot of creative ways brands have been using us it the latest,
You can read more about it on https://stories.gaddr.me where we routinely do interviews with industry experts & active Gaddr partners!
I spent some time working close to the Gaddr team, and it's awesome to see the culmination of all their hard work and passion live.
It's very inspiring to see your startup evolving and improving constantly, Gaddr Feeds is a great next step!
Good job guys 👍
Big thanks to @andrewett from the amazing PH-team for the hunt!
With users & media attention from all over the world Gaddr has grown a lot.
We are now super excited to introduce: Gaddr FEEDS.
View & toggle between your favourite social feeds in seconds.
All your feeds and profiles in one place.
Super charge your social routine!
( P.s Android users: Check out the VIP-functionality on other user’s profiles 😉 )
One username & app for everything, with billions of profiles to explore.
130+ platforms supported, and counting.
For questions about Gaddr’s future or server overload, let us know!
We’ll reply in the comments & on support@gaddr.me / team@gaddr.me
Our genuine vision is to solve the biggest problem in social media.
How to find & keep track of everything.
This will be amazing!
/ Francisco & The Gaddr Team
Used Gaddr for some months now and had some great use of it already (both personal and for my business). It's a social media game changer.
Really interesting to see how the team improve the app every single day and will be mega fun to see further developments of Gaddr.
Also fun to see another successful Swedish startup. Great work team Gaddr 👍
@mkaroumi Thank you ! We've worked really hard to bring even greater value to Gaddr.
In what ways have you used this personally and in your business?
Would love to hear how you have used it!
I think this is a game-changer for real. Gaddr is changing the way we gather and interact when it comes to social media. I've been using it since launch and It's incredible how easy it is to find and come in contact with different interesting individuals on so many social media platforms at once. Not to mention this startup has one of the most humble and wonderful CEOs I've ever met.
I wish the Gaddr team good luck in the future and I hope to see new positive growth (y)
Thank you!
Gaddr Feeds can really save a lot of time and we feel it is a good addition to the platform.
Glad to hear that you've been making good use of your Gaddr username!
Are there any particular scenarios in which Gaddr has been extra useful?
Thank you! We've put a lot of time and effort into making Gaddr better for every update.
We'll also be adding continuous support for more feeds on top of the 130+ profiles we support.
Yes, on platforms such as Facebook & Twitter you can of course make posts and you are always able to comment and like as usual!
Ah thank you! We really believe this is going to impact how people browse their social medias.
Universal notifications are a bit tricky but is really something that we'll look into solving in upcoming releases. Make good use of your Gaddr Feeds & Gaddr Username!
I didn't really get what this would be until I took a moment o really look at the preview gifs, and then I really got it. Awesome hunt, and cool build! :D
The coolest social combiner since Trillian let you login to ICQ, AOL Messenger and MSN Chat all at once!
Great concept, any thoughts on how the platforms you integrate feel about apps like this? My understanding was that they weren't too keen on users accessing their own data outside of their platforms - didn't Instagram's last major API change some of the terms around when and where photos can be displayed?
Thank you! We've worked really hard to make this as useful as possible for both social users & marketing.
In the end it should always be focused on what is best & most comfortable for the end user.
Gaddr & Gaddr feeds is a tremendously important and needed platform in today's ever growing crowded media space
I'm not following along with all this talk of this app revolutionising the way people use social media. As far as I can tell it just opens up each platforms mobile site in a webview, basically making it a glorified browser favourites bar. Maybe I'm missing something?
Hello !
I've just downloaded the app ! It's pretty useful and well designed ! But I was wondering, is it possible to get activity notifications from every social network we add on our gaddr account ? I can't find this option yet.
Thanks for your answere and congrats for this smart app.
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