Robleh Jama

Furious Five Web - Surprisingly good 5-minute bodyweight workouts, daily


No sign ups, no profiles, no ads, just darn good 5-minute bodyweight workouts every day. Works great in any device. Free forever.
Important: not for beginners

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Aaron Levi Yahalom
Some of your exercises is not hard, but very traumatic by its nature. Some needs detailed description and long muscle preparation just for that exercise. Some of them just unhealthy and wrong by latest academic studies. Consult couple professional physiotherapists before putting that on the market even if that just your side hustle. You may even been suited for health damage. So keep it challenging, but smart.
Pedro Wunderlich
@aaron_levi_yahalom Thanks for the feedback Aaron, however, this isn't my side hustle in terms of athleticism, neither is the pros who helped me design them. I've trained in calisthenics for a few years and these are very typical in mid to high level. Me and several other experienced athletes have been training near exclusively with Furious Five routines for the past 6 months and can attest to only positive results. No one has been hurt thus far. But again, emphasis on *experienced athletes.* Also, this has been on the market for quite a few months now. Judging by the overwhelmingly positive reviews, most people find them great!
Aaron Levi Yahalom
@pddro I was in sport for decades. Also I have inventions in biomechanical field. You definitely overestimate experience of your athletes and as founder subconsciously cherry-picking only positive reviews. They maybe great guys and very successful, but it does not make them great trainers or physiotherapists. But it does not matter. It's like asking the fish cooking advice. You need registered HCPC physiotherapists. And no HCPC physiotherapist in their right mind is going to approve your training program in its current state. P.S. You put a lot of pressure on people preaching about top athletes and labeling it «not for beginners». Maybe they just shy to give you honest negative review.
Pedro Wunderlich
@aaron_levi_yahalom riiight. The athletes I train with don't stop and think what they can and can't do. They let their body do the talking. They love to defy limits and pre conceived notions of what can be done. They don't stop and ask a physio if they're supposed to do something. They just go for it if it calls to them. I have an athlete friend who packs a 40pnd disk in a backpack and carries it around all day. Another who "doesn't believe in overtraining". Several friends who run 100k several times a week despite the "common sense" that that's just bad for your knees. And my wife climbed the highest mountain in each continent and skiied to the north and south pole. Doubt any physio would recommend any of the things the people I hang out with do... but again, we don't give a shit. We just don't share your cautious sentiment towards working out Aaron.
Aaron Levi Yahalom
@pddro I like you being honest! Unfortunately It does not make your training program credible. It only serves to confirm my suspicions. It's not a professional program for general public. It's just some sort of your irresponsible ideas. For example Russian roulette making you brave, but not a professional shooter. P.S. Btw. 40pnd its regular girls backpack weight during long outdoor trek (2-3 weeks). So everything will be fine with your «athlete».
Pedro Wunderlich
@aaron_levi_yahalom Definitely not intended for the general public, you got that right!
Pedro Wunderlich
If you're into ridiculously hard workouts and are short on time, have a go at Furious Five. Free, no sign ups, no ads, just deliciously tough workouts waiting for you every day. 10 months ago my daughter was born. I was getting the daddy blues from not having the time to squeeze in a strong workout. I've been an amateur athlete all my adult life, so getting a good shake up is important for my well-being. I got together with my country's top athletes and ask them if they could help me design the best possible workouts in the shortest time. Furious Five is a growing collection of really tough bodyweight routines you can do in less than 10 minutes (while my baby is taking a nap). So why build my own instead of using one of the numerous 12,10,8,7,6,4,3-minute exercise apps? See, when it comes to working out, I'm a little (very) crazy. I needed technical, challenging and compound movements that build up on each other. None existed, so I did what all of us do in this community—build my own. Total active time is 5 minutes, but be warned, these are really tough. Average completion time for me is around 9 minutes (with rest periods added in). Looking forward to have you guys join me and continue building it with your feedback. 🙏🔥 Thanks @robjama for being so supportive and hunting us today!