Frontback is one of my favorite apps. It's better designed than Instagram. It's not buried in white girls with frappuccinos. Taking a selfie in addition to taking a regular photo I think adds a more personal side to a photo. I use this app everyday, and honestly it's hard to imagine how I would fill that extra time without it!
@rrhoover LOVING IT!!! Way more creative than anything else out there! Hugely better than Instagram since it adds more pics which is why I open the app in the first place.
@erikfinman Thanks for the insight Erik, very helpful and I cannot be more excited about our recent data since v2 -- basically doubling the number of photos posted, so many smiles to look at! :)
One question tho related to @UXAndrew comment below, have you noticed this too? Is this something we should work harder on?
@fredd I am a huge fan of Frontback and actually I've used it extensively as an example of great UX. I teach UX at an academy and I have discussed Frontback at length with my students.
You guys do a phenomenal job.
That said, there are a few things that irk me and the main one is what i stated. If I'm not on Wifi, I don't even consider using Frontback :-(
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Project Da Vinci
Frontback Enterprise
Frontback Enterprise