Bikash Kampo

Skill Crush - Code your way to career and financial freedom

Skillcrush is an interactive online learning community for creatives, thinkers, and makers.
Looking for a more lucrative and fulfilling job, to design new products, or even to kickstart a new venture? Then Skillcrush is the right place.

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Bikash Kampo
Hello makers 👋 It's rightly said, wherever there is a crisis, the next moment an entrepreneur is born. The same is the story of @addabjork The platform was conceived as a tool to teach people (primarily - women) coding skills. It was born out of Ms. Adda’s frustration after being fired from her job and noticing that the only people that are “safe” from being laid off are those with actual programming skills. All the courses are ✅ Online & Flexible - so you can do them anytime ✅ Project-based - So you can build a badass portfolio ✅ Mentor-led - so you'll always have someone to turn to ✅ Lifetime access to self-paced classes