
Imposter Syndrome - How 30 developers without CS degrees deal with it


Over 30 developers share their insights on how they handle imposter syndrome. They are at top companies like Stripe or have built 6 figure companies. All their advice is bundled into one convenient ebook so you can come back to it whenever you need it.

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Imposter syndrome is common in tech, particularly with people like myself who don't have CS degrees. I started No CS Degree to keep me going with coding so it makes sense for me to have all the best advice on imposter syndrome in one place. It's a great way to see how other developers deal with the fear of being "found out". The book features interviews with over 30 developers, some of whom work at top companies like Stripe and Amazon. Others in the book have made six figure incomes. It's a reminder that imposter syndrome can affect anyone. The book is available for $5 and you can pay securely on Gumroad. If you would like a free sample of the book you can get it when you join the No CS Degree newsletter: Do you suffer from imposter syndrome?
Md Shadab Alam
ya recently someone told me my side projects looks like from kids and I was so upset.
@shadabshs yeah, you need to ignore lots of unhelpful people and keep growing!
Prasad Pilla
Hey Pete, This is a great compilation. Congratulations on the launch ✌️
Ely Fornoville
Great to see this launch. Gives me another boost to also get to writing an ebook myself.
Piotr Gaczkowski
Thanks for sharing this, @petecodes ! I'd love to add that imposter syndrome is not isolated to people without a degree. Whatever we do, wherever we are, and regardless of our experience, there is always someone better experienced in some particular field. This is a common cause for anxiety.
@doomhammer yeah, very true!
Bruno Raljić
Waited to see this here! Saw it already on twitter. Great collection 🤘
Great work Pete, looks really slick!
Okii Eli
Great work!! Congratulations
Brandon Pimentel UX
This is just a pleasant contribution to industry. Thanks for putting it out there. Great work. Good work. 🤘
@solveforux thanks a lot!