I've just finished “reading”/listening to this book on Audible and highly recommend it to anyone who's ever felt out of place.
@MrEddieHuang is known as the chef and owner of @BaohausNYC, a street food restaurant in NYC specialising in Gua Bao (traditional taiwanese pork belly buns) but this book, his memoir, is actually about his life, growing up as an Asian-American who's always felt closer to the African-American culture & Hip-Hop culture than the traditional stereotypes of Chinese-Americans living in the US.
At the core of the book is his love of food, through which he's able to tell his story, but the book is a real lesson of empathy, hardship, and facing injustice and racial issues. I could relate to his tale on so many different levels and I think you will too!
There's also a show on ABC (@FreshOffABC) which is loosely inspired from the memoir (the show is great, but much tamer and family-friendly, compared to ‘the real stories’ that happened to Eddie Huang.)