Arlo Gilbert

Osano Data Privacy Platform - Finally, an easy solution to California & EU privacy laws.

Complying with all of the new data privacy laws such as CCPA and GDPR can be complicated and confusing. You don't have to do it alone or spend a fortune on attorneys. Osano makes compliance easy & lets you quickly get back to focusing on running your business.

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Arlo Gilbert
If you're collecting any data that might be considered personal, then you probably have to comply with myriad laws. We found the entire process of getting compliant with GDPR & CCPA (and many other laws) so confusing that we decided to build a company to help others. About us, Osano is a fully distributed B-corp with headquarters in Austin, Texas. We recently announced our Series A financing and our open-source cookie popup is the most widely used privacy software on the planet. Whether you use our free tier and free privacy audits, or whether you need custom pricing, I hope you find Osano helpful and as always we would love your feedback and suggestions.
Jack Jack
Wow super intersting
Jack Mallon
Looks really useful. Hopefully makes the compliance process really simple, rather than spending ages looking for what you need to do to actually be compliant. One question though. For startups, and smaller growing sites who only need the cookie widget, what benefits do you offer in comparison to metomic? Their most expensive tier is cheaper than your cheapest paid plan, and they don't limit the amount of consents each month. Obviously were only comparing the widget since they don't offer the additional tools.
Arlo Gilbert
@jackmallon I'm not familiar with Metomic, but I'd be concerned about the long term viability of any company selling software for less than their cost of delivering it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jack Mallon
@arlogilbert i'm not sure if its less than their cost. Just their free plan offers their basic services without limits on the amount of consents. But i obviously dont know their situation.
Arlo Gilbert
@jackmallon I'm sure it is unless all they are doing is delivering one tiny javascript, in which case why pay for it, just use Osano's free open source. They need to geotarget which involves computing power, record the consents which take database storage... Get a site with 10,000,000 visitors per day and serve up a 100KB JS file, assume they use CloudFront on SSL, that will cost them about $3k monthly in CDN costs only to serve that customer. Layer in thousands of concurrent endpoints to record the consents and any other stats, put in a database that can handle that, and then make sure you replicate and have A-Z fault tolerance. Pretty quickly supporting just that one customer can cost you $50k/yr and this assumes no people, no DevOps, no security. I'm sure that they don't really offer unlimited service even if they may say they do on their website. I'm not familiar with their service at all but the math doesn't work if they are providing a reliable service.