Alexandru Golovatenco

Course Creation Guide by SchoolMaker - The insanely complete guide for creators

In this 100% free guide, you’ll learn how to create online courses that stand out from your competitors and help your students get amazing results.

The purpose of this guide is to help you build amazing courses for your community, so your business can thrive.

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Alexandru Golovatenco
In this (ridiculously complete) guide, I’ll show you how to make courses the right way, so you can: • Make more money • Get awesome results for your students • Not get called a scammer The whole guide is interactive: it has a checklist and more than a dozen resources like templates or downloadable assets to help you build an amazing course easily. I hope you find it useful!
Roland Lopez
Insane work @alexandruglv 🏎
Maxime SchoolMaker
Great job Alex! Congratulations 👏
Ben Issen
Such good work. It's incredible how much time/thought you've put into this @alexandruglv If this doesn't become a de-facto recommendation for all course creators, then I don't know what will.
Alexandru Golovatenco
@benissen Thanks for the support man, I appreciate it a lot! 😁
Marc Troussard
This guide provides so much value! Thanks for your work and sharing this amazing resource @alexandruglv 🙌
Kevin Turby
Amazing work! Bravo @alexandruglv 🙌