If we translate (or find and put in one place) the most popular PG essay into the top 20 languages, it will help another 2B+ people read essays and get on the path of startups.
Languages by total number of speakers:
English - 1.348 billion
Chinese - 1.120 billion
Hindi - 600 million
Spanish - 543 million
Arabic - 274 million
Bengali - 268 million
French - 267 million
Russian - 258 million
Portuguese - 258 million
Urdu - 230 million
Indonesian - 199 million
German - 135 million
Japanese - 126 million
Marathi - 99 million
Telugu - 96 million
Turkish - 88 million
Tamil - 85.5 million
Korean - 82 million
Vietnamese - 77 million
Hausa - 75 million
Italian - 68 million
Extensive Investor List