Neeraj Thakur

Founder Institute Report - Insights from 15K+ founders & 4000+ alumni across 180 cities


Insights from 15K+ founders and 4000+ alumni across 180 cities.

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Jonathan Greechan
Hi Product Hunters, It's been a whirlwind 10 years, with a lot of hard work and sleepless nights, but we're incredibly proud of what we have been able to accomplish. In particular, we're proud to be helping entrepreneurs not only in the U.S. and other global startup hubs, but across 65 countries and all corners of the planet. Over the next ten years we plan to leverage this global network for the greater good, and help entrepreneurs build businesses that can positively impact society. Thanks so much, -Jonathan
Marina Beraz
@jonnystartup and @adeoressi Congratulations to the entire team for the incredible results and impact created in just 10 years! Very interesting insights, some of the regional entrepreneur DNA findings are contrary to the cultural beliefs (p.e. LATAM above average conscientiousness). Excited about the future, especially the outcomes with FI4Good!!! Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the story!
I worked for one of the founders in this program, he was a lier with criminal offense record. So watch your six those who want to work in early stage startups.
Chase Palmieri
@wangguan1 Founder Institute is an enormous program teaching thousands of startup founders all around the world. Your one experience with one individual who may or may not have even worked at Founder Institute means next to nothing. : )
@chasepalmieri I didn't mean to criticize the program, just trying to point out my experience. And maybe more regulation and background check in the future.
Jonathan Greechan
@chasepalmieri @wangguan1 we do our best to filter nefarious characters but at our volume some will inevitably sneak through our checks. Apologize for any bad experience you may have had with one of our companies.
Ivo Radulovski
@wangguan1 everyone who is ambitious to build a great company (ideally with positive impact) and has the entrepreneurial DNA can enroll in the program. Unfortunately it does not mean that 100% of the people who will graduate have honest intentions. Luckily a 100% of the founders enrolled in my program and the Directors I met from around the world were great people with bold plans.
Craig Corbett
Found the takeaways about 'entrepreneurial DNA' and how this has influenced FI's admissions process really interesting
Adeo Ressi
Hello! I am a co-founder of the Founder Institute. We are excited about 10 years of innovations at the Founder Institute. The first ten years witnessed a global startup revolution that accompanied a historic period of human prosperity. The next ten years will turn our collective productivity into positive gains for life on this planet. At the cusp of 2020, we live in a prosperous world thriving on innovation. At the cusp of 2030, we will live in a beautiful world of our dreams. 🙏
Peter Andringa
A trove of revealing findings and important insights. A really excellent resource!
Eddie Arrieta
Super excited to be involved with this community! On for another 10 years!
Conrad Egusa
Super helpful resource for founders!
Chase Palmieri
Always amazing insights out of FI. And why wouldn’t they, they’re probably the biggest and most diverse entrepreneurship program in the world today.
Sjoerd Martens
This is interesting, nicely done @jonnystartup!
Dany Castro
Really helpful report, I hadn't known startups offering crowdfunding and investment services were found to have the highest rate of funding.
Margaret Wallace
Angel Junior
Super helpful resource for founders! Congratulations.
Loyal VC
Congratulations to the entire FI team on this significant milestone. We saw the value of your network support for growing these global companies. You inspired us to launch our fund Loyal VC over a year ago and now we have invested in 59 FI companies across 20 countries. We appreciate being partners in your continued journey to make the world a better place.
Andres Pareja
Awesome news for the world to have these stats!.... On a side note... I sent an email/message to Jonathan / Founder Institute in an effort to obtain input for a particular initiative. Haven't heard back. I graduated from cohort 1 in Toronto. I feel a sense of neglect to be honest. At the moment, respectfully speaking not worth the 3.5% equity they tool from my company.
Ashok G
Fabulous Depth & Clarity of DNA & Success factors . Cheers for the Past & Wishes for the Future . Happy to create the Version 2.O for 2030
Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. CFA
Impressive 10 years of awesome value. Here's to another 10 years with Africa playing a more visible role
Daniel Pereira
The powerful way to introduce a sustainable path to the make a difference in the world.
FI uses same tactics as many MLMs. They encourage “mentors” to hit certain quotas to maintain their “status”
Andy Dent
@tpae please explain your comment - it's slanderous but doesn't go into enough detail to be a meaningful warning.
Andy Dent
I'm a big fan of Founder Institute as a 2014 graduate (2 year hiatus for family reasons & a big pivot is why Touchgram only just launched this year, no reflection on FI). Some of their stats are a little questionable due to self-reporting. I'm fairly certain at least two of the alumni listed as active from my cohort in Perth, Western Australia, have long-since given up but not bothered to adjust their status. As a developer with decades of experience, much on retail software products, I still gained a lot out of FI particularly on the planning, marketing and customer outreach areas. I also got to be a familiar face to many of the mentors and folks in the startup scene here who I'd probably not have reached otherwise.