Gaya Kessler

Formable - Beautiful forms for your websites, no coding needed 🗒

Create forms to embed on your websites. Secure and validated forms without coding or installing another plugin.

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Saif Al Falah
Now this is great but the pricing is steep IMO. Plugins are free and there are other form builders out there that do most of this and more for free or lesser than this.
Gaya Kessler
@saifalfalah Thanks! The biggest difference is that you don't need a backend when using Formable. I hope to get more features into the product soon to match my competitors, but for now I think I am not that expensive.
Saif Al Falah
@gayakessler Check out formspree. That doesn't require any backend either. And I know 3-4 more services like it.
Gaya Kessler
@saifalfalah fair enough, I can take a look at the pricing when I've looked at these services. You can try Formable for free as it offers a free plan too. Thank you for your feedback!
Adam Hollander
I’m strangely obsessed with forms. The ui, the structured data, the infinite use cases!...❤️. That said, it would be hard to get me to switch from Paperform without a seriously clear value prop and amazing UI. Whoever hunted Formable, what do you love about it?
Gaya Kessler
@mwtbrowser To be honest, I am the creator and added Formable myself to share with the world. So my opinion is a bit biased. Because I am still small, I can quickly match my user's needs. That's the difference I can make now. Would you be interested in talking about what you'd like to see made in a service like this?
Sharon Villines
I've used it for years, sometimes premium and other times the free version. It just gets better and better.