Donté Ledbetter - Hire candidates recently laid off from tech companies lists talented and hard-working employees who have been laid off across the tech industry since 2020.

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Donté Ledbetter
It's been disheartening to see all the tech layoffs in the past three years. Thousands of talented and hard-working people have been laid off for reasons beyond their control. So I want to do my part in helping folks find their next role. is for unemployed tech candidates to signal to employers that they're open to work. This is the antithesis to Please share with everyone you know in tech who's looking for work.
Gaël de Mondragon
I like how you took a website focusing on a problem and turned it around into a possible solution. I'm not a recruiter so not the best positioned to answer this, but it doesn't look super easy to navigate and compare profiles. I realize it's a quick MVP with airtable but maybe a different layout and easy filters would help. The best would be to put this in front of some head hunters in tech and see how they react. Congrats on the launch and good luck!
Donté Ledbetter
@gael_de_mondragon Thanks for the feedback. You're right, this is an MVP. If this grows, I'll build it out further.
Well this is interesting.. will be a life saver now with meta laying off so much of people 😅 Congrats on the Launch guys!
Charlie Mack
Interesting Idea. I like the simplicity of the site. Obligatory I'm not a recruiter but this could be useful to startups looking for the first hires. It's easier to navigate than LinkedIn and you can quickly jump to their profiles. Super low barrier of entry. Great job and congrats with the Launch
Alvaro Villalba Perez
Very sad to see how companies didn't take into account employee wellness before increasing their headcount +100%. Glad to see someone trying to fix it. I would add some friction in the UX like sharing it with other laid offs.
André J
I remember these popping up during covid. Would be interesting to see where these candidates eventually landed.
great initiative. all the best to everyone getting hired through this platform.
Anna Svirshchevskaya
Donte, congratulations on the launch 🎊 As others wrote earlier in comments, ForHire at the moment is made as MVP version, however its potential is really high due to the situation on the market when a great number of talented employees encountered with unemploment from gigant corporates. Wish you good luck with the next steps! Do you plan to improve this version of the product and do something more in functionality?
Donté Ledbetter
@anna_sv Thanks for the kind words, Anna! I certainly plan on improving this in the near future. Stay tuned!
Ayesha Awan
This is an excellent resource for talented and hard-working employees who have been laid off across the tech industry since 2020. Well done on the launch of this product!
Mokau Origin
Congrats, can't wait to try it!