Sandro Munda

Forest Admin for Partners - Share your internal tool with your external partners


Share subsets of your internal tool with all your external partners through Forest Admin for Partners. No hassle, easy to set up, and ready for all your data management and operational needs.

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Sandro Munda
Hey everyone, I’m Sandro, CEO and Founder of Forest Admin. We’re really excited to be back here with another one of our products — today, we’re bringing you Forest Admin for Partners, our new solution aimed at helping businesses work together with their external partners more effectively. We’ve been having a great run with Forest Admin since we started in 2017, and are thrilled to be expanding our offering once again, and being able to help more businesses be as successful as possible through having one, easy to use internal tool to rely on. Through Forest Admin for Partners, you are now able to share subsets of your internal tool with your customers, suppliers, franchisees, or any other external partners. Equipped with all the features an internal tool needs, and additional collaboration and security tools such as advanced role and permission systems and 2FA, auto-logout, and IP whitelisting, we are confident that we can help many of you leverage your data in collaboration with your business partners even better than before, and reach all your goals. If you have any questions, feedback, or comments, let us know — we’d love to have a chat with you about the program and its features.
Xavier Gastaud
Efforts to become a "lean" startup can be hampered by friction in your interactions with your suppliers, clients, partners, etc. Using different tools to exchange information (order status, delivery update, returns status, etc.) inevitably leads to disconnects in your data exchanges. Forest Admin for Partners is a great set of features that gets you one step closer to being lean by bringing your entire ecosystem under the same roof!
Morgan Perre
@xgastaud Really great use case. It can be hard to have consistent data through your company and your close partners !
Sandro Munda
@xgastaud So true! I would never imagined that in the beginning of Forest Admin but with our very universal nature, this use case has become so popular! I'm so excited to see the future of this product. It has already proven itself with the onboarding of thousands of external users but I'm sure it's only the beginning 🔥🔥🔥
Guilhem ROBERT
That is super powerful for B2B2B / B2B2C companies
Sandro Munda
@guilhem_robert2 Thanks Guilhem, indeed it is! I remember the great companies that you brought back to us without having yet imagined this concept of Forest Admin for Partners. Without you, we would never have been able to launch this product! Super exciting!
Louis Steenbrink
Forest Admin is the best tool to manage your operations internally... But thanks to the power of our new features (teams, scopes, roles & permissions, new dashboards) it is now super easy to provide an interface to your customers, partners, vendors & suppliers at scale!!
Sandro Munda
@louissteenbrink You are the first ambassador to this new product! Thanks!!
Really excited about this new release! Forest Admin is my go-to product to build admin dashboards for 2 years now, this launch will definitely change the game for some big companies.
Sandro Munda
@simon_brami 🤞🤞🤞 Thanks for your comment!
Guilhem ROBERT
@simon_brami thank you for being such a great ambassador of Forest !
Alexandre Robert
What a pleasure to use Forest Admin on a daily basis for 2 years. Simple and efficient for a young startup to develop its back-office and customize and automate all actions. I see no interest for a startup in service, saas..etc. not to use Forest, its use is SO SIMPLE for all the ops teams. It helps a lot the tech teams to develop a back office quickly and to improve it every week
Sandro Munda
Thanks for the kind words @alex91_r!
Victor Gross
Great job ! I couldn’t pick Forest admin last time for a B2B2C use case because of this lacking feature : we had to build everything from scratch which makes little sense in a make or buy approach. Looking forward to try it
Guilhem ROBERT
@vicgrss actually your use case is one that inspired this new product ! Thanks again for the great interview and looking forward to new projects with you :)
We're using the Forest tool since more than 4 year at Qonto and that render shine everyone, included ours Partners. It's simple & efficient ways to sharing operations with external partners without asking to code something to developer team 🤩.
Guilhem ROBERT
@wemaxx you guys rock, cannot wait to keep inventing the future of our product with your team !!
Akos Hantos
Super excited to be able to work with @seyz_ and the team on this one. If you need an internal tool that you want to share with all the amazing folks you're working with, but you also want all the bells and whistles — whether it's collaboration or security features — that a product like Forest Admin has, here's your solution!
Louise Bayssat
Congrats on the launch!!
Monika Ambrozowicz
I'm really excited about this launch. Sharing up-to-date information and permission management is often a huge pain when working with external partners, and this is the reality of so many companies! Now, it can be done so much easier and more efficient.
Juliette Morel
Great product, great team. I highly recommend it.
Guilhem ROBERT
@juliette_morel thanks for your support. We are excited to help you power up your next ventures !
Rahul Nair
Sounds interesting. great features and cool app. Congrats on your launch.
Guilhem ROBERT
@rahul_nair93 really appreciate your comment thanks !
Girdharee Saran
This is really amazing.
Alex Briukhovetskyi
Cool feature guys. Keep up a good work!
Desmond Mullen
ForestAdmin has been a great tool for us. And just as we need to get into scopes and roles and permissions and lots of other authentication/authorization stuff, they've put the tools in our hands to do everything we need. Thank you, ForestAdmin team for more great, timely work!
Tancrède Le Merrer
A great addition for companies who do not simply need an admin panel for their internal teams but also need the same interface for their external partners but with different permissions and data segregation! So many of our clients have requested this feature and now it's made available through Forest admin for partners!
Tom Nguyen
Congratz for the launch, exciting times! 🔥
Guilhem ROBERT
@tom_nguy we ARE excited about this. We are convinced the future of work belongs to companies that share data and tools with their ecosystem, and we want to be ready for this !!
Vincent Chailley
Useful tool with cool features! I wish you all the best.
Md Abu Shalea
Efforts to become a "lean" startup can be hampered by friction in your interactions with your suppliers, clients, partners, etc. Using different tools to exchange information (order status, delivery update, returns status, etc.) inevitably leads to disconnects in your data exchanges. Forest Admin for Partners is a great set of features that gets you one step closer to being lean by bringing your entire ecosystem under the same roof!